USV Simulator

We are working on an unmanned surface vessel (USV) simulation to support the Maritime RobotX challenge. We just did a one-day tutorial on the prototype simulation environment. If you are interested:

This is an active project, so we welcome pull requests and collaborators.

There are a lot of great maritime projects out there. I’m hopeful people will announce new projects and share them with the community.



@bsb808 Hi, bsb808. I am a member of OUXT polaris, Japanese RobotX team.
We are developing gazebo based wam-v simulation package in open source.(
Please tell me your repository url.
Thank you!!

There are a few packages listed in the…

wiki link above. For Kinetic, the repositories are at…
GitHub - kf/kingfisher: Common packages for Kingfisher
GitHub - bsb808/usv_gazebo_plugins: Unmanned Surface Vehicle plugins for Gazebo simulation
GitHub - bsb808/kingfisher_gazebo: Package to facilitate Gazebo simulation of Kingfisher/Heron USV
GitHub - bsb808/geonav_transform: Simple transforms for using GPS-based estimates for local odometry in ROS

We are working on getting a WAM-V visual and dynamic model into Gazebo. That should be coming soon, so if you’d like to contribute to that effort, please let me know.

Thank you!!
We have alrdady built a simple wam-v urdf.
It has no bumpers,springs…
You are building models with bumpers and springs??

What kind of water effects are modelled in this simulator ?

Hey, so this is a VERY old thread. Probably shouldn’t bump it again.

The Maritime RobotX simulation is now called VRX. A much more recent post, 2 months old, about Virtual RobotX (VRX) is here