What is MoveIt's long term goals, target users, and roadmap?

During the Boulder & San Franciso fireside chats today at World MoveIt Day, we had an exciting discussion about what MoveIt’s visions, goals, and roadmap are. This is an important thing to agree on, so that as we make changes to MoveIt and encourage contributions, everyone knows the direction we’re heading.

This is a draft, please leave your comments and suggestions:
MoveIt Goals and Long Term Roadmap

MoveIt is a community-driven project and we want to hear from you. However, this is not a place for feature requests: no one is obligated to add features or fix bugs for anyone else. If you want to see something added to MoveIt, you’re the best person to see that through!

Very soon we want to add this long term roadmap to the MoveIt website at the bottom of this page.