Dear ROSJava-Users,
do you have experience with newest Android SDK Versions and rosjava?
One of our students developed an app for sending ROS Nav Goals to AMCL on a TurtleBot. It was developed for his phone running Android SDK 4.0.3 and it also runs on Android SDK 4.1.2. Unfortunately it has problems on an Nexus 5 with Android SDK 6.0.1.
Maybe, someone has some tips about things, that changed between these SDK-Versions, that are relevant for rosjava? For example, we recognized a parallelisation problem related to the “lifecycle” of our app and the times when different methods of the app are called. As a result the roscore was not running, when the first subscribers were initialised. I think we fixed that, but still have problems with receiving messages on the phone.
We are using our own costum multi-master solution, which is simple based on a udp-proxy node. The proxy receives local ROS-Messages and forwards them over a multicast udp socket. All other udp-proxy nodes in the network receive the udp messages and inject them to their local ROS system. Therefore these udp-proxy software exists in Java (on the phone) and C++ (on the turtlebot-laptop), both autogenerated.
The app is available here:
The udp-proxy generator is available here:
Kind regards,