AutoAPMS: A unified software framework for creating behavior-based robotic applications

If you guys are looking for an end-to-end solution for creating robotic behaviors and deploying them, I have something for you!

When I was working on my master thesis last year, I developed a concept that allows unmanned aerial systems (UAS) to react to hazardous events and dynamically deploy recovery behaviors. I found that there are few software packages that help with this task, so I decided to create my own and make it highly extensible on top! Now, 12 months later, I’m done with polishing my work so that ROS 2 users are finally able to adapt this software framework. I’ll continue to work on this in my position as a research associate.

This project is based on BehaviorTree.CPP and utilizes pyrobosim for conducting simulations. I’d be happy if you give it a shot the next time you looking for a way to implement your robot behaviors.

AutoAPMS - Resilient Robot Mission Management