Image_transport availability with ros2


Is there anyone who is working on image_transport package to be available with ros2? @joq @Vincent_Rabaud Could you guide with some of the inputs on how to go about this.

I don’t usually work on image_transport, and have no experience yet porting things to ROS 2. So, I can’t help you much.

@sriramster I’d recommend following where someone has already started migrated it and we’re just trying to figure out where to host it and how to maintain it going forward.

@wjwwood Thank you for the link. But, the link is mostly work on message_filters and not image_transport in particular.

Any other tips/tricks that you’d suggest?

@joq Thank you.

The reason I pointed out message_filters is that image_transport depends on it.

I’ve talked with @Vincent_Rabaud about it and I think we’ll put a ros2 branch on the existing image_common repository. I’ll try to remember to comment here when we do that, but you can watch that repository to stay up-to-date.

@wjwwood Thank you. I’d be interested in contributing to the work done.

@Vincent_Rabaud have you opened the code for contributions? (Primarily image_transport)