Industrial_ci: rollout of version 0.10.0 with ROS2 & GitHub Actions support

As a follow-up of my previous post, I can finally announce the ROS2-ready version and the last step of our migration.

Version 0.10.0 of industrial_ci has been refactored completely and includes many new features:

  • support for all ROS1/ROS2 distros since indigo
  • experimental support for noetic and foxy
  • colcon as an alternative to caktin-tools (ROS1 only)
  • C++ linting with clang-tidy
  • GitHub Actions

Please note that the new version is not fully backwards compatible, as we had to drop some features like support for ROS hydro or the devel space.
A summary of all changes can be found in the migration guide.

We have already deployed it to a number of external repositories and tested it over the past months.
Now it is time to roll it out for all users. :tada:

Currently, the default branch still points to the legacy version.
This version is now deprecated and will only receive bug fixes (if possible).

On June 8 we will switch the default branch to the new version.

If you want to start using it right away, just switch to the master branch (-b master) in your CI config:

git clone --quiet --depth 1 .industrial_ci -b master

Even if you don’t want to switch now, I advise you to test your config with the new version. At least locally with run_ci or run_travis.

If your CI config depends on an unsupported option or you will not be able to migrate it in the next two months, please change your config now to clone the legacy branch (-b legacy ) instead.

And please don’t hesitate to open a new issue, if your case is not yet covered in the migration guide or something does not work as expected… :slight_smile: