We are happy to announce the initial release of ROS Moving Object package, a ROS node for moving object abstraction. Thanks for Movidius NCS and Object Analytics packages to provide an AI solution for object detection, tracking and localization, based on that, we can get object velocity information, which is essential to make intelligent collision avoidance for autonomous path planning.
You can visit the umbrella wiki page to understand the data pipeline/flow between the corresponding packages.
To show cases of the moving object usage scenarios, this package also involves a sample node, ca_policy. Ca_policy implements two policies for navigation style:
- Social policy: for the cases when obstacles are person(s), and
- Normal policy: for the other cases
By using the inputs of moving object, ca_policy analyzes the obstacles’ types, and arbitrates the suitable navigation policy (coworking with ROS navigation stack by dynamic reconfigure interfaces). Furthermore, based on the HW attributes of robot chassis, ca_policy triggers some sensors for policy notification. In the current version, 2 robot chassis are enabled :
Please see more from package Readme. You are welcomed to feedback and contribute.
ROS2 version of this package will come soon.