Introducing Teleop for ROS

@sjhansen3 Forgot to tag you

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this is pretty neat @Spyder - have you taken a look at our docs on how to send commands to a robot remotely? Might be relevant here. :slight_smile:

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Yes, albeit briefly. I’m not quite ready to take that last step yet. The gear package came a bit late, and I installed them, and it’s behaving in a much more house-friendly speed. But I’ve yet to install 4 more ultrasonic sensors as well as the lidar, and I still haven’t made an URDF for the RVIZ

I’ve been doing 3D printing for a few years now, so I’m hoping that the experience I got from creating the stl files will help me in creating that URDF. I’ve found a few programs that will translate the stl into a URDF, but, no idea if that will be sufficient, because if it’s not, that would mean having to LEARN how to create the URDF first, and who knows how long that would set me back

If you have SolidWorks, I would recommend @brawner’s SolidWorks to URDF exporter, which was recently on Discourse. That approach allows you to create the URDF without even looking at the file.
However creating the URDF from scratch isn’t too crazy, and the xacro + urdf tutorials are pretty good!

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Generic keyboard teleop for twist robots. Maintainer status: maintained; Maintainer: Austin Hendrix namniart AT gmail DOT com>; Author: Graylin Trevor Jay …This tutorial covers how to write a cps test ation node and use it to drive the turtle in the turtlesim. Joystick Teleop. Joystick teleoperation … The main user interface topic(priority: 90). nav_vel - This topic is used is used by the move_base to send navigation commands (priority: 80). The output topic is mobile_base_controller/cmd_vel, it’s not recommended to publish Twist messages directly to this topic.

LOL at starting a video with

This is not going to be a great video. None of this software is actually functional.

At least you didn’t follow it up with “Please like and subscribe.” I thought it was cool anyway.

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