ROS News for the Week of December 2nd, 2024
ROSCon Germany and ROSCon India were both this week! It was really exciting to see two ROS events happening concurrently on two different parts of the globe. We want to congratulate the organizers and attendees on putting together fantastic events.
- ROSCon India photo from @purushottamshet on Twitter
- ROSCon Germany photo from @stoglrobotics on Twitter
But wait, there’s more! Our first ever ROSCon China in Shanghai is about to kick off in about four or five hours.
While we’re welcoming so many new friends to the ROS community we’re also getting ready to say farewell to ROS 1 Noetic, Gazebo Classic, Gazebo Citadel, and ROS 2 Iron Irwini.
We have two ROS Meetups planned for 2024-12-12. One meetup in Singapore and another one in Barcelona Spain
If you are in a giving mood this holiday season we are currently running a donation campaign for the OSRF. We’ve made it possible for you to earmark your donation for particular OSRF projects like the ROS Build Farm, the ROS Documentation, and our educational outreach initiatives.
At last week’s Gazebo Community Meeting we met multiple competitors from the NASA SpaceROS Summer Sprint Challenge. The results are absolutely amazing and are all open source! We recommend you check it out.
- Looking for Austin ROS Meetup Speakers!
- 2024-12-07 Circuit Launch Mountain View Grand Opening
- 2024-12-07 → 2024-12-08 ROSCon China in Shenzhen
- 2024-12-10 ROS 2 Rust Meeting: December 2024
- 2024-12-11 => 2024-12-12 Humanoids Summit Bay Area
- 2024-12-11 Embodied AI Community Group meeting 2
- 2024-12-12 ROS Meetup Singapore
- 2024-12-12 ROS Meetup Barcelona
- 2024-12-15 FIRA Ag Robotics Hackathon Registration Deadline
- 2024-12-16 => 2024-12-19 F1Tenth Sim Racing League at CDC 2024
- 2024-12-18 Aerial Robotics meeting - Xmas with Bitcraze
- 2024-12-22 Open Hardware Summit CFP Deadline
- 2024-12-31 Deadline for Natural Robotics Contest
- 2025-02-01 FOSDEM 25 – See Robotics and Sim Room
- 2025-02-04 => 2025-02-06 World FIRA Ag Robotics Conference in Toulouse, France
- 2025-04-28 International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering
- 2025-05-30 => 2025-05-31 2025 Open Hardware Summit in Edinburgh
- OSRF Holiday Donation Drive
November Gazebo Community Meeting: NASA Space ROS Challenge
- Call for Participation: ROS Deliberation Community Group
- Robotic Blending Milestone 5 Highlight Video Live
- Call for euRobotics Technology Transfer Award 2025
- IEEE RAS DEI / Accessibilty Travel Support Grant
- OSRA TGC meeting minutes for October, 2024
- ROS PMC Meeting minutes 2024-12-03
- ROS PMC Meeting minutes 2024-11-26
- ELISA Workshop at NASA Goddard – Space Grade Linux
- How Arduino Forged a Path for Open Hardware - David Cuartielles, Co-Founder, Arduino
- GaussianRPG: 3D Gaussian Rendering PlayGround: an open-source autonomous driving closed-loop simulator demo using 3D Gaussian Splatting tech
- Jeffrey Ichnowski : Learning for Dynamic Robot Manipulation of Deformable Objects
- Sebastian Castro: Research and Industry Future in Robotics
- Weed Dataset (for agriculture)
- Video: Crazyflie at Bitcraze’s Headquarters in Malmö, Sweden
- Teleo raises $16.2M to scale supervised autonomy for heavy equipment
- PickNik Robotics Secures $3 Million in NASA and Space Force
- Amp Robotics raises $91M – The Robot Report
- Clearpath Robotics discusses development of Husky A300 ground vehicle
- ASTM developing testing standards for mobile manipulator
- ARX launches firestick-like platform to make military trucks autonomous
- FOSDEM 2025: Robotics & Simulation… first edition!
- Gazebo Classic and Citadel End of Life
- New Book - ROS 2 from Scratch
- New Packages for Noetic 2024-12-06
- New packages for Humble Hawksbill 2024-12-05
- New packages for ROS 2 Rolling Ridley 2024-11-26
- Preparing for final Iron Irwini Patch Release and Sync 2024-11-18
- Iron Irwini EOL Plan
- rmw_iceoryx2 v0.1.0 release
- Leveraging ROS build infrastructure for non-ROS packages
- Clearpath Simulator comes to Gazebo Harmonic
- Expose secure communication only with specified entities
- Reference implementation of Zenoh-pico to micro-ROS
- Nav2 Migrated to TwistStamped to replace Twist for cmd_vel Topics
- Towards a ROSdoc integation testing tutorial
- Polar Grid Rviz Plugin - ROS Projects
- FusionSDF: Export Fusion 360 CAD designs to SDF
- ROS 2 Reinforcement learning
- New ROS 2 package for dynamically interpolating 3D LiDAR point clouds
- Help needed: Distribute a ROS package against multiple SDK versions
- ROS 2 Whisper update
- ros-voice-assistant: A ROS 2 package for building voice-enabled robotic applications
- MOANA: Multi-Radar Dataset for Maritime Odometry and Autonomous Navigation Application – MOANA Dataset
- DROID-Splat: End-to-End SLAM with camera calibration, monocular prior integration and dense Rendering
- ROS2-VSC-Toolkit: Visual Studio Code Extension for ROS 2 development
- URDF Visualizer - Visual Studio Plugin
- ros2-tools-to-use-unity-like-gazebo: ros2_control in Unity
- SuperVINS: A real-time visual-inertial SLAM framework for challenging imaging conditions
- Validating the performance of Beluga AMCL
happypose_ros: ROS 2 wrapper for a 6D pose estimation library
- plainmp: Very fast motion planning for articulated robot, through a bit of premature-optimization (C++ / Python)
- full_coverage_path_planner with a move_base_flex plugin
- VoxelMapPlus_FASTLIO2: FAST-LIO 2 with VoxelMapPlus and STD
- SPTG-LCC: Single-shot, Pixel-level, Target-free and General LiDAR-Camera Extrinsic Self-Calibration
- path_planner: Hybrid A* Path Planner for the KTH Research Concept Vehicle
- InGM-LIO: InGM-LIO: A Multiscale Gaussian Model-Based LiDAR-Inertial Odometry Using Invariant Kalman Filtering.
- 2fast2lamaa: Real-time lidar-inertial odometry and mapping framework for dynamic environments
- kinematic-icp: A LiDAR odometry pipeline for wheeled mobile robots
- python_simple_mppi: Python implementation of MPPI (Model Predictive Path-Integral) controller
- YOLOs-CPP: A high-performance C++ headers for real-time object detection using YOLO models
- ERPoT: Effective and Reliable Pose Tracking for Mobile Robots Based on Lightweight and Compact Polygon Maps
- multicast_parser: ROS Package for parsing multicast data from Motive Tracker 2.0.2 to Appropriate Nodes
- AutoCarROS2: A virtual simulation platform for autonomous vehicle sensing, mapping, control and behaviour methods using ROS 2 and Gazebo.
- SlicerROS2: A Research and Development Module for Image-Guided Robotic Interventions
- unitree-go2-ros2: URDF for Unitree Go2 with Champ Controller
- DPFT: Dual Perspective Fusion Transformer for Camera-Radar-based Object Detection – source
- kidnapped_robot_finder: TROS 2 package for 2d-Lidar scanner based kidnapped robot re-localization
Got a Minute? 
We would really appreciate it if you took ten minutes to answer just one ROS question on Robotics Stack Exchange.