Looking for ROS2 demonstration application

Hi everyone!

I want to demonstrate some ROS 2 extensions we are creating. I’m looking for an existing, non-trivial open-source ROS 2 application that I could use (that is, that I could add our extensions to, for demonstration purposes only). Ideally, it should be something that we can run in a 3D simulation, so that we can demo things quickly without specific hardware and so that we can convey the ideas easily and visually.

Any suggestions?



Nav2 is a complete autonomous navigation system. That might be a good option. Parallel systems to it would be MoveIt2 or Autoware, but I think that’s as complex as it gets in open source before hitting the boundaries of complete products which naturally aren’t fully open-source.

If you need any help as you’re toying with Nav2, feel free to ping me.

Thanks! Is there a super easy demo of Nav2 that runs directly in some visual environment?

You could run the Nav2 demos from a Dev Container or via Codespaces:

Linorobot2 is super easy to setup in sim. Juan has great instructions. It works “out of the box” with Nav2. Juan suggests Galactic but I’m using Humble with no problems.

Hi @ivanperez,
SMACC is another option that contains applications you can use right out of the box.The reference library that’s part of the repo consists entirely of applications that you could use as a starting point. The instructions on how to operate each application are found in each state machines readme.

Here are some previous posts with videos of it action with Nav2 and Moveit…

Depending on your timelines and whether or not you want to use Nav2, I recommend using our Galactic branch. We just switched over to Humble and we have a few bugs in our Nav2 applications that we expect to have hammered out in a week or so.


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