Maritime Community Group Meeting Oct 2024: Goby3 in ROS 2 + ocean FOSS ecosystem proposal

This month, we’ll hear about open source middleware Goby3 for autonomous marine vehicles, now with a bridge for ROS 2, from Toby Schneider at GobySoft:

The Goby3 project is targeted at marine robotics applications, with a focus on supporting the dramatically different communication scenarios that exist between ocean robots (acoustic modems, satellite radios, etc.) versus within the robots. ROS 2 has an impressive body of work supporting the general robotics community, though the marine subcommunity is nascent. This talk will provide a brief overview of the Goby3 project and discuss a work-in-progress Goby3-to-ROS2 gateway (bridge) to allow for interoperability between these two potentially complementary systems.

  • Goby3 on GitHub
  • Publication: T. Schneider, Goby3: A new open-source middleware for nested communication on autonomous marine vehicles. IEEE AUV 2016 / Tokyo.

As a bonus, Toby is putting together an NSF POSE proposal for an open source ocean robotics software working group overarching the MOOS-IvP / ROS / Goby communities, which are now separate. He will initiate a discussion after the talk to get feedback from the ROS community.

When: 2024-10-29T15:00:00Z2024-10-29T16:00:00Z
Where: Virtual at Launch Meeting - Zoom
Calendar event: Google Calendar
Agenda: ROS Maritime Community Group meeting agenda - Google Docs

See you there!

Quick links to resources for the Community Group:
ROS Discourse Maritime category
Google Group (only used to send meeting calendar invites)
Public Google Calendar
GitHub kanban board
GitHub community
Matrix chat


Slides from the talk are attached. You can contact Toby on GobySoft website.
goby3-ros-community-working-group.pdf (2.5 MB) (77.7 KB)

Video recording to be uploaded soon.

Teaser slide:

Here is the recording