This month, we’ll hear about open source middleware Goby3 for autonomous marine vehicles, now with a bridge for ROS 2, from Toby Schneider at GobySoft:
The Goby3 project is targeted at marine robotics applications, with a focus on supporting the dramatically different communication scenarios that exist between ocean robots (acoustic modems, satellite radios, etc.) versus within the robots. ROS 2 has an impressive body of work supporting the general robotics community, though the marine subcommunity is nascent. This talk will provide a brief overview of the Goby3 project and discuss a work-in-progress Goby3-to-ROS2 gateway (bridge) to allow for interoperability between these two potentially complementary systems.
- Goby3 on GitHub
- Publication: T. Schneider, Goby3: A new open-source middleware for nested communication on autonomous marine vehicles. IEEE AUV 2016 / Tokyo.
As a bonus, Toby is putting together an NSF POSE proposal for an open source ocean robotics software working group overarching the MOOS-IvP / ROS / Goby communities, which are now separate. He will initiate a discussion after the talk to get feedback from the ROS community.
When: 2024-10-29T15:00:00Z→2024-10-29T16:00:00Z
Where: Virtual at Launch Meeting - Zoom
Calendar event: Google Calendar
Agenda: ROS Maritime Community Group meeting agenda - Google Docs
See you there!
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