ROS2 MRWG - Minutes 6th July 2022
Scheduled Time: 0800 PST (GMT-08:00), 6th July 2022
Meeting Link:
Meeting Opened: 0805 PST (GMT-08:00), 6th July 2022
Minutes Taken By: Nathan Edwards
Aasheesh Randeo, Arjo Chakravarty, B. Abraham, Denis Stogl, Gustavo Rezende, John Naglak, Louise Poubel, Mabel Zhang, mikdef, Sina Aghli, Till Koch, Vatan Aksoy Tezer, Wai Yen Chan, Yuri Oliveira, Joao Britto, Nathan Edwards.
Previous Minutes
Previous Action Points
MZ to start thinking about ROSCON
ALL to review charter by 10/06/2022 for merge
ALL to review Kanban board and raise any additional items
General Business
- Coffee hour, last year was online
- Need to find a slot
- Format can be a group chat, or a presentation format. Breakout discussions if we’re in person?
- Do we need to look at a hybrid setup?
- Record the discussions as community action items
Added Mass SDFormat - Louise
- AC Maritime Simulation for Gazebo
Proposal for native support for added mass in Gazebo Garden. Feedback can be given here.
- Currently implemented through plugins, but always computes during the physical timesteps which leads to lag
- LP is looking for feedback by about July 20 due to Gazebo cutoff.
- Sina Aghli - questioning whether this providing drag capabilities. LP noted that is simply adding mass. This is an acceleration dependent term.
- SA: requesting whether there’s any reading material, LP noted there’s some in the PR - Fossen, T.I and Newman, J.N.
Standard Messaging Interfaces - NE
- Proposal for a focus group to generate a standard messaging interface repo for AUV and USVs
- Presentation
- Discussion around UMAA standard interfaces and leveraging existing interfaces (hydrographic_msgs)
- Agreed that it needs to be accessible (debian installs)
- Element Room -
ROS2 Control - DS
- Control integration with Gazebo
- Is it possible to connect ROS2 Control plugin with an ROV plugin with gazebo
- Does the ros message interfaces provide a potential solution
- LP recommends using the ROS ignition bridge
Action Items
WG to provide feedback to LP. Feedback can be given here:
WG to join Standard Interface focus group if interested
Standard Interface Architecture to be presented next meeting
Relevant Links
Next Meeting: 12th August 2022, 0800 PST (note not the first Tuesday of the month)
Video Link: ROS_MRWG_20220607.mkv
Chat Transcript:
Yuri Oliveira 01:14
I have a question. I got late so I dunno if it was said. This is the birds of feather which would be October 22 right?
Mabel Zhang 01:15
@Yuri: The date will be some time during ROSCon, we have to see the program (not yet published) to pick a good time slot that doesn't conflict with talks that could be of interest to maritime, so that people don't have conflicts
@Yuri: Oct 19-21 are the ROSCon dates
Yuri Oliveira 01:16
Ok. Thank you!
Yuri Oliveira 01:29
6x6 added mass natively on Gazebo, that is awesome!
Vatan Aksoy Tezer 01:31
Also Handbook of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics and Motion Control is pretty good by Fossen
mikedef 01:43
I'm interested in DDS interfaces, but more applied towards ASV ops. Would be willing to help with this if time allows. Sorry in an loud office so hard to turn the mic on.
Arjo Chakravarty 01:44