Maritime Working Group Meeting Nov 2023: technical working meeting

Based on community interest and feedback, we decided to have a November working meeting, separate from the joint speaker with the November Gazebo Community meeting. They will be two separate events.

  1. Technical working meeting: We received feedback that people want to do work! Hey, go figure, it’s a working group. Some attendees told us in Sep and Oct that they want to make technical contributions. So we are in the process of updating and restructuring the WG kanban board for this need. We’ll update the kanban during the meeting as well based on community updates.

    When: 2023-11-07T16:00:00Z2023-11-07T17:00:00Z
    Where: Virtual at
    Calendar event: Google Calendar
    Agenda: ROS Maritime Working Group meeting agenda - Google Docs

    There has been new work in the community that we’d like to include in the discussion. There are also projects looking for hands. There are people looking to help too.

    If you’re one of these, please come to the technical working meeting.

    This is the first time this WG has a technical work-focused meeting. We can have more of these if this turns out well, say, 1-2 per quarter, and have 1-2 presentations per quarter.

  2. Presentation meeting: If you’d like to hear about VRX and Njord autonomous surface vehicle competitions using ROS and Gazebo, head over to the Gazebo Community meeting, which is announced on Gazebo Community as usual.

Feedback welcome as always. One-on-one discussions welcome too if you have specific expectations or ideas for the WG (like really, we’re looking to establish some goals for the WG). Message me here on Discourse. I don’t bite. Not everyday. If it’s something everyone can benefit from, use the WG Matrix chat for more visibility.

Quick links to resources for the WG:
GitHub community
GitHub kanban board
Matrix chat
Google Group (only used for meeting calendar invites)

Everyone welcome. See you there.


Great meeting! Thank you everyone for the technical discussion and signing up for tasks!

Meeting recording and transcript.

Marine presentation this month at Gazebo Community Meeting (cross-posting here) on Nov 29, Team Aritra will talk about their participation in the VRX and Njord challenges using ROS and Gazebo:

It is usually recorded and posted as a reply to that announcement.

(I will be traveling and won’t be able to make it, but hope some of you do!)

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