Mobile robotics ROS 2 project seeking team members

Hello Robotics folks,
I want to share with you the opportunity to joint our pilot project about mobile robotics based on ROS2. Though the project is based on volunteers basis, we expect and hope to evolve sooner into a startup.
We are a small team based in Mexico and are primarily seeking participants in similar or adjacent time zones.

Project specs

Without going into details we are implementing the following areas:

  • Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC)
  • Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
  • Drivers for actuators and sensors
  • Hardware components integration
  • 3D modeling and printing
  • Others: IA, simulation, diagnostics, etc.

Good candidate

It does not matter the level, but we ask just passion, initiative and time to contribute.

A good candidate should have:

  • a base knowledge of C++ and/or Python
  • familiarity with modern coding practices and workflows
  • foundational understanding of robotics topics in one or more of the areas listed above

For hardware-related roles, physical presence in Mexico City or Guadalajara is required, as on-site integration of components is necessary.

About us

Although I prefer not to reveal too many details at this stage, I am the founder of the project, with several years of experience in autonomous drone development in Italy. This project is the culmination of reaching the maturity and expertise required to pursue this venture.
We’re currently looking to add 2-3 people to keep the team small and focused.

If you’re interested or would like more information, feel free to reach out to me directly at:

My advice, based on my own experience: don’t just start working together on a (potential) startup as volunteers. Just don’t.
If the goal of your project is to become a startup, you will need a founders agreement between the project members from the start.
Postponing that discussion will inevitably lead to disagreements and frustrations, possibly legal fights (e.g. who owns what part of the code), etc. This can kill your startup before you have a chance to really get started.

My two cents…


This surely is a quite helpful hint. I though I could just postpone this part as soon it is just a volunteer project, but I’ll start to evaluate an agreement between founders asap. Thanks!

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This is the first time I have seen a job offer with job-like requirements where it clearly indicates that the work is voluntary, and the promoter does not provide payment. I apologize if I misunderstood something, but that is how it appears. My suggestion is to start your project, and if it becomes atractive and is open source, you might attract contributors (not employees). If you are aiming for an industrial route, start by securing funding and compensating people for their work.

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Your tone is quite inappropriate, @fmrico was giving you feedback on how your project could attract more contributors, but you chose to be rude and make it personal.

In any case, a call for people to apply for unpaid work for what seems an eventually for profit startup and not willing to give any details will not get you far in this community, especially if your response to feedback is to attack other members of this forum.


I think this discussion should cool down a bit.

@esteve and @fmrico There are two ways to interpret the original post:

  1. “I am looking for unpaid team members for a project that potentially can become our startup.”
  2. “I am looking for unpaid team members for a project that potentially can become my startup.”

Hence my advice to make clear agreements first, before embarking on any sort of cooperation.

I think @fmrico was biased towards interpretation 2., or at least I can understand how his post can come across as offensive to @Vincenzo_Ruotolo. That being said there is no need for @Vincenzo_Ruotolo to respond in such a fierce way either.

So I suggest to assume each other’s best intentions and to discuss in a more factual and less emotional way.

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Hi, @JRTG. Thanks for your productive contribution to the discussion. I agree with your valoration- maybe I was too biased to the negative interpretation.

In any case, @Vincenzo_Ruotolo, it is not necessary that tone in this forum—best of luck with your project.

Hii I am looking for some Robotics project to do. I would love to be part of your project and contribute.