Navigation Working Group Meeting Minutes - Jan 4
- Steve Macenski
- Elsayed Elsheikh
- Magda Skoczen
- Michael Ferguson
- Ben Perseghetti
- Josh Wallace
New people introduce themselves
- N/A
- N/A
New additions of note:
- Added new DCO checking bot and requirement to Nav2 (Open Navigation)
- Looking for testing on TwistStamped Conversion (Open Navigation, Ryan Friedman)
- Homologated polygons parameter types: modified collision monitor polygon parameter parser to use Costmap footprint style. You’ll need to update your parameter files (Dexory)
- IsPathValid to use footprint SE2 checks when the robot is non-circular (Locus Robotics)
- BT nodes accept dynamic port parameters for all rather than on construction (maksymdidukh)
- Minor fix to simple commander for smoother failure in Humble (Open Navigation)
- Loopback simulator
- Velocity scheduled polygons for collision monitor
- MPPI obstacle critic improvements and optimizations
- Graceful motion controller
- Fuse GPS
New bugs of note:
- N/A
- But plenty of new small and small-medium tickets filed recently that would be great places to jump in and get involved!
Anything else?
- Magda
- Raycasting and ordering of processing could override itself. Take max per update cycle or do all clear before all mark
- Traversability cost ranges, 0,254 → also add class higher cost map
- Changing labels at runtime, not necessary
- Supporting different source types
- probablistic modeling
Round Robbin (questions, comments, what youre working on, updates, etc)
- Steve: TwistStamped migration, backlog PR reviews like SLAM Toolbox Lifecycle merging
- Ben: Rviz or Foxglove?
- Magda: Semantic segmentation layer review
- Fergs: RTK base station setup (RTK2Go) for robogames
- Elsayed: contributing to nav2 + setting up TB4
- Josh: IsPathValid