Weβre happy to announce a new Foxy release !
This sync brings a number of new packages as well as some updates to ROS 2 core packages. For a list of patches to core packages, see the project board on GitHub .
Package Updates for foxy
Added Packages [51]:
- ros-foxy-ament-cmake-catch2: 1.2.0-1
- ros-foxy-graph-msgs: 0.2.0-1
- ros-foxy-menge-vendor: 1.0.0-1
- ros-foxy-pcl-ros: 2.2.1-1
- ros-foxy-radar-msgs: 0.2.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-battery: 0.1.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-building-map-msgs: 1.2.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-building-map-tools: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-building-sim-common: 1.3.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-building-sim-gazebo-plugins: 1.3.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-building-sim-ignition-plugins: 1.3.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-charger-msgs: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-cmake-uncrustify: 1.2.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-demos: 1.3.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-demos-assets: 1.3.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-demos-dashboard-resources: 1.3.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-demos-gz: 1.3.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-demos-ign: 1.3.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-demos-maps: 1.3.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-demos-panel: 1.3.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-demos-tasks: 1.3.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-dispenser-msgs: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-door-msgs: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-fleet-adapter: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-fleet-adapter-python: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-fleet-msgs: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-ingestor-msgs: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-lift-msgs: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-robot-sim-common: 1.3.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-robot-sim-gazebo-plugins: 1.3.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-robot-sim-ignition-plugins: 1.3.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-task: 1.0.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-task-msgs: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-task-ros2: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-traffic: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-traffic-editor: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-traffic-editor-assets: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-traffic-editor-test-maps: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-traffic-msgs: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-traffic-ros2: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-utils: 1.3.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-visualization: 1.2.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-visualization-building-systems: 1.2.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-visualization-fleet-states: 1.2.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-visualization-msgs: 1.2.0-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-visualization-rviz2-plugins: 1.2.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-visualization-schedule: 1.2.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmf-workcell-msgs: 1.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-rqt-runtime-monitor: 1.0.0-1
- ros-foxy-stubborn-buddies: 1.0.0-1
- ros-foxy-stubborn-buddies-msgs: 1.0.0-1
Updated Packages [69]:
- ros-foxy-bosch-locator-bridge: 2.0.2-1 β 2.0.3-2
- ros-foxy-examples-tf2-py: 0.13.11-1 β 0.13.12-1
- ros-foxy-geometry2: 0.13.11-1 β 0.13.12-1
- ros-foxy-launch-ros: 0.11.3-1 β 0.11.4-1
- ros-foxy-launch-testing-ros: 0.11.3-1 β 0.11.4-1
- ros-foxy-mavlink: 2021.8.8-1 β 2021.9.9-1
- ros-foxy-moveit-resources: 2.0.2-1 β 2.0.3-1
- ros-foxy-moveit-resources-fanuc-description: 2.0.2-1 β 2.0.3-1
- ros-foxy-moveit-resources-fanuc-moveit-config: 2.0.2-1 β 2.0.3-1
- ros-foxy-moveit-resources-panda-description: 2.0.2-1 β 2.0.3-1
- ros-foxy-moveit-resources-panda-moveit-config: 2.0.2-1 β 2.0.3-1
- ros-foxy-moveit-resources-pr2-description: 2.0.2-1 β 2.0.3-1
- ros-foxy-pcl-conversions: 2.2.0-1 β 2.2.1-1
- ros-foxy-perception-pcl: 2.2.0-1 β 2.2.1-1
- ros-foxy-plotjuggler: 3.2.1-1 β 3.3.1-2
- ros-foxy-plotjuggler-msgs: 0.1.2-1 β 0.2.1-1
- ros-foxy-plotjuggler-ros: 1.6.1-1
- ros-foxy-rclpy: 1.0.6-1 β 1.0.7-1
- ros-foxy-rmw-gurumdds-cpp: 1.0.9-1 β 1.0.10-1
- ros-foxy-rmw-gurumdds-shared-cpp: 1.0.9-1 β 1.0.10-1
- ros-foxy-ros2action: 0.9.9-1 β 0.9.10-1
- ros-foxy-ros2cli: 0.9.9-1 β 0.9.10-1
- ros-foxy-ros2component: 0.9.9-1 β 0.9.10-1
- ros-foxy-ros2doctor: 0.9.9-1 β 0.9.10-1
- ros-foxy-ros2interface: 0.9.9-1 β 0.9.10-1
- ros-foxy-ros2launch: 0.11.3-1 β 0.11.4-1
- ros-foxy-ros2lifecycle: 0.9.9-1 β 0.9.10-1
- ros-foxy-ros2lifecycle-test-fixtures: 0.9.9-1 β 0.9.10-1
- ros-foxy-ros2multicast: 0.9.9-1 β 0.9.10-1
- ros-foxy-ros2node: 0.9.9-1 β 0.9.10-1
- ros-foxy-ros2param: 0.9.9-1 β 0.9.10-1
- ros-foxy-ros2pkg: 0.9.9-1 β 0.9.10-1
- ros-foxy-ros2run: 0.9.9-1 β 0.9.10-1
- ros-foxy-ros2service: 0.9.9-1 β 0.9.10-1
- ros-foxy-ros2topic: 0.9.9-1 β 0.9.10-1
- ros-foxy-rviz-assimp-vendor: 8.2.3-1 β 8.2.4-1
- ros-foxy-rviz-common: 8.2.3-1 β 8.2.4-1
- ros-foxy-rviz-default-plugins: 8.2.3-1 β 8.2.4-1
- ros-foxy-rviz-ogre-vendor: 8.2.3-1 β 8.2.4-1
- ros-foxy-rviz-rendering: 8.2.3-1 β 8.2.4-1
- ros-foxy-rviz-rendering-tests: 8.2.3-1 β 8.2.4-1
- ros-foxy-rviz-visual-testing-framework: 8.2.3-1 β 8.2.4-1
- ros-foxy-rviz2: 8.2.3-1 β 8.2.4-1
- ros-foxy-simple-launch: 1.0.3-2 β 1.1.0-1
- ros-foxy-slam-toolbox: 2.4.0-1 β 2.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-swri-console-util: 3.3.2-1 β 3.3.2-2
- ros-foxy-swri-dbw-interface: 3.3.2-1 β 3.3.2-2
- ros-foxy-swri-geometry-util: 3.3.2-1 β 3.3.2-2
- ros-foxy-swri-image-util: 3.3.2-1 β 3.3.2-2
- ros-foxy-swri-math-util: 3.3.2-1 β 3.3.2-2
- ros-foxy-swri-opencv-util: 3.3.2-1 β 3.3.2-2
- ros-foxy-swri-prefix-tools: 3.3.2-1 β 3.3.2-2
- ros-foxy-swri-roscpp: 3.3.2-1 β 3.3.2-2
- ros-foxy-swri-route-util: 3.3.2-1 β 3.3.2-2
- ros-foxy-swri-serial-util: 3.3.2-1 β 3.3.2-2
- ros-foxy-swri-system-util: 3.3.2-1 β 3.3.2-2
- ros-foxy-swri-transform-util: 3.3.2-1 β 3.3.2-2
- ros-foxy-tf2: 0.13.11-1 β 0.13.12-1
- ros-foxy-tf2-bullet: 0.13.11-1 β 0.13.12-1
- ros-foxy-tf2-eigen: 0.13.11-1 β 0.13.12-1
- ros-foxy-tf2-eigen-kdl: 0.13.11-1 β 0.13.12-1
- ros-foxy-tf2-geometry-msgs: 0.13.11-1 β 0.13.12-1
- ros-foxy-tf2-kdl: 0.13.11-1 β 0.13.12-1
- ros-foxy-tf2-msgs: 0.13.11-1 β 0.13.12-1
- ros-foxy-tf2-py: 0.13.11-1 β 0.13.12-1
- ros-foxy-tf2-ros: 0.13.11-1 β 0.13.12-1
- ros-foxy-tf2-sensor-msgs: 0.13.11-1 β 0.13.12-1
- ros-foxy-tf2-tools: 0.13.11-1 β 0.13.12-1
- ros-foxy-xacro: 2.0.6-1 β 2.0.7-1
Removed Packages [0]:
Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
- Aaron Blasdel
- Aaron Chong
- Arjo Chakravarty
- Brandon Ong
- Chris Lalancette
- Claire Wang
- Dave Coleman
- Davide Faconti
- Dirk Thomas
- Grey
- Jacob Perron
- Luca Della Vedova
- Marco A. GutiΓ©rrez
- MatΓas Bavera
- Michel Hidalgo
- Mike Lautman
- Morgan Quigley
- Olivier Kermorgant
- P. J. Reed
- Paul Bovbel
- Robert Haschke
- Rushyendra Maganty
- Shao Guoliang
- Stefan Laible
- Steve Macenski
- Vladimir Ermakov
- William Woodall
- Yadunund
- Yadunund Vijay
- Youngjin Yun
- daf
- methylDragon
- yadu
- youliang