This sync brings 42 new packages to Galactic and updates 145 others. Thanks very much to the many developers that were a part of this effort, including the 53 maintainers listed below.
ros/rosdistro tag: galactic/2022-02-09
Package Updates for galactic
Added Packages [42]:
- ros-galactic-azure-iot-sdk-c: 1.9.0-2
- ros-galactic-chomp-motion-planner: 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-color-names: 0.0.3-1
- ros-galactic-cudnn-cmake-module: 0.0.1-1
- ros-galactic-launch-param-builder: 0.1.0-1
- ros-galactic-libnabo: 1.0.7-1
- ros-galactic-libpointmatcher: 1.3.1-1
- ros-galactic-mapviz: 2.2.0-3
- ros-galactic-mapviz-interfaces: 2.2.0-3
- ros-galactic-mapviz-plugins: 2.2.0-3
- ros-galactic-moveit-chomp-optimizer-adapter: 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-configs-utils: 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-hybrid-planning: 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-planners-chomp: 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-resources-prbt-ikfast-manipulator-plugin: 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-resources-prbt-moveit-config: 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-resources-prbt-pg70-support: 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-resources-prbt-support: 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-setup-assistant: 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-multires-image: 2.2.0-3
- ros-galactic-octomap-mapping: 2.0.0-1
- ros-galactic-octomap-rviz-plugins: 2.0.0-1
- ros-galactic-octomap-server: 2.0.0-1
- ros-galactic-paho-mqtt-cpp: 1.2.0-1
- ros-galactic-pilz-industrial-motion-planner: 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-pilz-industrial-motion-planner-testutils: 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-rcss3d-agent-basic: 0.0.6-1
- ros-galactic-rcss3d-agent-msgs: 0.0.6-1
- ros-galactic-ros-image-to-qimage: 0.0.2-1
- ros-galactic-rqt-image-overlay: 0.0.1-1
- ros-galactic-rqt-image-overlay-layer: 0.0.1-1
- ros-galactic-rslidar-msg: 1.3.0-1
- ros-galactic-rslidar-sdk: 1.3.0-3
- ros-galactic-sick-safetyscanners2: 1.0.3-2
- ros-galactic-soccer-object-msgs: 1.0.1-1
- ros-galactic-tensorrt-cmake-module: 0.0.2-1
- ros-galactic-tile-map: 2.2.0-3
- ros-galactic-ur-client-library: 1.0.0-3
- ros-galactic-velodyne-description: 2.0.2-1
- ros-galactic-velodyne-gazebo-plugins: 2.0.2-1
- ros-galactic-velodyne-simulator: 2.0.2-1
- ros-galactic-visp: 3.4.0-2
Updated Packages [145]:
- ros-galactic-actionlib-msgs: 2.2.3-1 → 2.2.4-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-auto: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-core: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-export-definitions: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-export-dependencies: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-export-include-directories: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-export-interfaces: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-export-libraries: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-export-link-flags: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-export-targets: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-gmock: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-google-benchmark: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-gtest: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-include-directories: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-libraries: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-nose: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-pytest: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-python: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-target-dependencies: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-test: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-cmake-version: 1.1.4-1 → 1.1.5-1
- ros-galactic-ament-package: 0.12.0-2 → 0.13.1-1
- ros-galactic-aws-robomaker-small-warehouse-world: 1.0.4-1 → 1.0.5-1
- ros-galactic-common-interfaces: 2.2.3-1 → 2.2.4-1
- ros-galactic-diagnostic-msgs: 2.2.3-1 → 2.2.4-1
- ros-galactic-diff-drive-controller: 1.1.0-1 → 1.3.0-2
- ros-galactic-effort-controllers: 1.1.0-1 → 1.3.0-2
- ros-galactic-force-torque-sensor-broadcaster: 1.1.0-1 → 1.3.0-2
- ros-galactic-forward-command-controller: 1.1.0-1 → 1.3.0-2
- ros-galactic-geometric-shapes: 2.1.1-1 → 2.1.2-1
- ros-galactic-geometry-msgs: 2.2.3-1 → 2.2.4-1
- ros-galactic-gripper-controllers: 1.1.0-1 → 1.3.0-2
- ros-galactic-gurumdds-cmake-module: 2.0.1-1 → 2.1.0-2
- ros-galactic-imu-sensor-broadcaster: 1.1.0-1 → 1.3.0-2
- ros-galactic-joint-state-broadcaster: 1.1.0-1 → 1.3.0-2
- ros-galactic-joint-trajectory-controller: 1.1.0-1 → 1.3.0-2
- ros-galactic-joy: 3.0.0-5 → 3.0.1-1
- ros-galactic-joy-linux: 3.0.0-5 → 3.0.1-1
- ros-galactic-libmavconn: 2.0.5-1 → 2.1.0-1
- ros-galactic-mavlink: 2021.12.12-1 → 2022.2.2-1
- ros-galactic-mavros: 2.0.5-1 → 2.1.0-1
- ros-galactic-mavros-extras: 2.0.5-1 → 2.1.0-1
- ros-galactic-mavros-msgs: 2.0.5-1 → 2.1.0-1
- ros-galactic-micro-ros-diagnostic-bridge: 0.2.0-4 → 0.3.0-1
- ros-galactic-micro-ros-diagnostic-msgs: 0.2.0-4 → 0.3.0-1
- ros-galactic-microstrain-inertial-driver: 2.3.0-1 → 2.5.0-1
- ros-galactic-microstrain-inertial-examples: 2.3.0-1 → 2.5.0-1
- ros-galactic-microstrain-inertial-msgs: 2.3.0-1 → 2.5.0-1
- ros-galactic-microstrain-inertial-rqt: 2.3.0-1 → 2.5.0-1
- ros-galactic-moveit: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-common: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-core: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-kinematics: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-planners: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-planners-ompl: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-plugins: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-ros: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-ros-benchmarks: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-ros-control-interface: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-ros-move-group: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-ros-occupancy-map-monitor: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-ros-perception: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-ros-planning: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-ros-planning-interface: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-ros-robot-interaction: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-ros-visualization: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-ros-warehouse: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-runtime: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-servo: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-moveit-simple-controller-manager: 2.3.0-1 → 2.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-nao-command-msgs: 0.0.3-1 → 0.0.4-1
- ros-galactic-nao-sensor-msgs: 0.0.3-1 → 0.0.4-1
- ros-galactic-nav-msgs: 2.2.3-1 → 2.2.4-1
- ros-galactic-ntrip-client: 1.0.0-1 → 1.0.1-1
- ros-galactic-osrf-pycommon: 0.2.1-2 → 2.0.0-1
- ros-galactic-performance-test-fixture: 0.0.7-2 → 0.0.8-1
- ros-galactic-plansys2-lifecycle-manager: 2.0.0-3 → 2.0.1-3
- ros-galactic-plansys2-msgs: 2.0.0-3 → 2.0.1-3
- ros-galactic-plansys2-pddl-parser: 2.0.0-3 → 2.0.1-3
- ros-galactic-plotjuggler: 3.3.0-1 → 3.3.4-1
- ros-galactic-position-controllers: 1.1.0-1 → 1.3.0-2
- ros-galactic-rclc: 2.0.5-2 → 2.0.6-1
- ros-galactic-rclc-examples: 2.0.5-2 → 2.0.6-1
- ros-galactic-rclc-lifecycle: 2.0.5-2 → 2.0.6-1
- ros-galactic-rclc-parameter: 2.0.5-2 → 2.0.6-1
- ros-galactic-rcpputils: 2.2.0-2 → 2.2.1-1
- ros-galactic-rcss3d-agent: 0.0.2-1 → 0.0.6-1
- ros-galactic-rmw-gurumdds-cpp: 2.1.11-1 → 2.2.0-2
- ros-galactic-rmw-gurumdds-shared-cpp: 2.1.11-1 → 2.2.0-2
- ros-galactic-ros-ign: 0.233.2-1 → 0.233.4-1
- ros-galactic-ros-ign-bridge: 0.233.2-1 → 0.233.4-1
- ros-galactic-ros-ign-gazebo: 0.233.2-1 → 0.233.4-1
- ros-galactic-ros-ign-gazebo-demos: 0.233.2-1 → 0.233.4-1
- ros-galactic-ros-ign-image: 0.233.2-1 → 0.233.4-1
- ros-galactic-ros-ign-interfaces: 0.233.2-1 → 0.233.4-1
- ros-galactic-ros2-controllers: 1.1.0-1 → 1.3.0-2
- ros-galactic-rosapi: 1.1.1-1 → 1.1.2-1
- ros-galactic-rosapi-msgs: 1.1.1-1 → 1.1.2-1
- ros-galactic-rosbridge-library: 1.1.1-1 → 1.1.2-1
- ros-galactic-rosbridge-msgs: 1.1.1-1 → 1.1.2-1
- ros-galactic-rosbridge-server: 1.1.1-1 → 1.1.2-1
- ros-galactic-rosbridge-suite: 1.1.1-1 → 1.1.2-1
- ros-galactic-rosbridge-test-msgs: 1.1.1-1 → 1.1.2-1
- ros-galactic-rqt-action: 2.0.0-2 → 2.0.1-1
- ros-galactic-rqt-graph: 1.2.0-2 → 1.2.1-1
- ros-galactic-rqt-plot: 1.1.0-1 → 1.1.1-1
- ros-galactic-rtabmap: 0.20.15-1 → 0.20.18-1
- ros-galactic-rtabmap-ros: 0.20.15-2 → 0.20.18-1
- ros-galactic-ruckig: 0.4.0-1 → 0.6.3-1
- ros-galactic-sdl2-vendor: 3.0.0-5 → 3.0.1-1
- ros-galactic-sensor-msgs: 2.2.3-1 → 2.2.4-1
- ros-galactic-sensor-msgs-py: 2.2.3-1 → 2.2.4-1
- ros-galactic-shape-msgs: 2.2.3-1 → 2.2.4-1
- ros-galactic-simple-launch: 1.2.0-1 → 1.3.0-1
- ros-galactic-soccer-marker-generation: 0.0.1-1 → 0.0.2-1
- ros-galactic-spacenav: 3.0.0-5 → 3.0.1-1
- ros-galactic-sros2: 0.10.2-2 → 0.10.3-1
- ros-galactic-sros2-cmake: 0.10.2-2 → 0.10.3-1
- ros-galactic-std-msgs: 2.2.3-1 → 2.2.4-1
- ros-galactic-std-srvs: 2.2.3-1 → 2.2.4-1
- ros-galactic-stereo-msgs: 2.2.3-1 → 2.2.4-1
- ros-galactic-trajectory-msgs: 2.2.3-1 → 2.2.4-1
- ros-galactic-velocity-controllers: 1.1.0-1 → 1.3.0-2
- ros-galactic-velodyne: 2.1.1-1 → 2.1.1-2
- ros-galactic-velodyne-driver: 2.1.1-1 → 2.1.1-2
- ros-galactic-velodyne-laserscan: 2.1.1-1 → 2.1.1-2
- ros-galactic-velodyne-msgs: 2.1.1-1 → 2.1.1-2
- ros-galactic-velodyne-pointcloud: 2.1.1-1 → 2.1.1-2
- ros-galactic-visualization-msgs: 2.2.3-1 → 2.2.4-1
- ros-galactic-webots-ros2: 1.1.2-2 → 1.2.2-1
- ros-galactic-webots-ros2-control: 1.1.2-2 → 1.2.2-1
- ros-galactic-webots-ros2-core: 1.1.2-2 → 1.2.2-1
- ros-galactic-webots-ros2-driver: 1.1.2-2 → 1.2.2-1
- ros-galactic-webots-ros2-epuck: 1.1.2-2 → 1.2.2-1
- ros-galactic-webots-ros2-importer: 1.1.2-2 → 1.2.2-1
- ros-galactic-webots-ros2-mavic: 1.1.2-2 → 1.2.2-1
- ros-galactic-webots-ros2-msgs: 1.1.2-2 → 1.2.2-1
- ros-galactic-webots-ros2-tesla: 1.1.2-2 → 1.2.2-1
- ros-galactic-webots-ros2-tests: 1.1.2-2 → 1.2.2-1
- ros-galactic-webots-ros2-tiago: 1.1.2-2 → 1.2.2-1
- ros-galactic-webots-ros2-turtlebot: 1.1.2-2 → 1.2.2-1
- ros-galactic-webots-ros2-universal-robot: 1.1.2-2 → 1.2.2-1
- ros-galactic-wiimote: 3.0.0-5 → 3.0.1-1
- ros-galactic-wiimote-msgs: 3.0.0-5 → 3.0.1-1
Removed Packages [7]:
- ros-galactic-openvslam
- ros-galactic-run-move-group
- ros-galactic-run-moveit-cpp
- ros-galactic-run-ompl-constrained-planning
- ros-galactic-soccer-vision-msgs
- ros-galactic-test-osrf-testing-tools-cpp
- ros-galactic-webots-ros2-ur-e-description
Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
- AWS RoboMaker
- Alejandro Hernandez
- Alejandro Hernandez Cordero
- Alexander Gutenkunst
- Antonio Cuadros
- Armin Hornung
- Audrow Nash
- Bartolome Jimenez Vera
- Bence Magyar
- Blake Anderson
- Chittaranjan Srinivas Swaminathan
- Chris Lalancette
- Christian Henkel
- Cyberbotics
- Daisuke Nishimatsu
- Davide Faconti
- Fabien Spindler
- Felix Exner
- Francisco Martin Rico
- Francois Pomerleau
- Hans-Joachim Krauch
- Henning Kayser
- Jafar Abdi
- Jan Staschulat
- Jihoon Lee
- Jonathan Bohren
- Josh Whitley
- Kevin Hallenbeck
- Lars Berscheid
- Lennart Puck
- Louise Poubel
- Mabel Zhang
- Mathieu Labbe
- Michael Carroll
- Michael Görner
- Michael Jeronimo
- MoveIt Release Team
- Olivier Kermorgant
- P. J. Reed
- ROS Security Working Group
- Raghavender Sahdev
- Rob Fisher
- Stéphane Magnenat
- Tim Clephas
- Tyler Weaver
- Vladimir Ermakov
- William Woodall
- Wolfgang Merkt
- Youngjin Yun
- ijnek
- kenji
- masaya
- robosense