We’re happy to announce 23 new packages and 58 updates are now available in ROS Noetic. This sync was tagged as noetic/2021-02-08
Thank you to every maintainer and contributor who made these updates available!
Package Updates for ROS Noetic
Added Packages [23]:
- ros-noetic-async-comm: 0.2.1-2
- ros-noetic-gpp-interface: 0.1.0-1
- ros-noetic-gpp-plugin: 0.1.0-1
- ros-noetic-gpp-prune-path: 0.1.0-1
- ros-noetic-gpp-update-map: 0.1.0-1
- ros-noetic-hector-components-description: 0.5.2-1
- ros-noetic-hector-gazebo: 0.5.3-1
- ros-noetic-hector-gazebo-plugins: 0.5.3-1
- ros-noetic-hector-gazebo-thermal-camera: 0.5.3-1
- ros-noetic-hector-gazebo-worlds: 0.5.3-1
- ros-noetic-hector-models: 0.5.2-1
- ros-noetic-hector-sensors-description: 0.5.2-1
- ros-noetic-hector-sensors-gazebo: 0.5.3-1
- ros-noetic-hector-xacro-tools: 0.5.2-1
- ros-noetic-interactive-marker-twist-server: 1.2.2-1
- ros-noetic-lms1xx: 0.3.0-2
- ros-noetic-magical-ros2-conversion-tool: 1.2.0-1
- ros-noetic-nmea-comms: 1.2.0-3
- ros-noetic-rc-genicam-camera: 1.2.4-1
- ros-noetic-rx-service-tools: 1.0.2-1
- ros-noetic-teleop-legged-robots: 1.1.2-1
- ros-noetic-vl53l1x: 1.0.0-1
- ros-noetic-vrpn-client-ros: 0.2.2-1
Updated Packages [58]:
- ros-noetic-behaviortree-cpp-v3: 3.5.3-1 → 3.5.6-1
- ros-noetic-cob-command-gui: 0.6.19-1 → 0.6.20-1
- ros-noetic-cob-command-tools: 0.6.19-1 → 0.6.20-1
- ros-noetic-cob-dashboard: 0.6.19-1 → 0.6.20-1
- ros-noetic-cob-helper-tools: 0.6.19-1 → 0.6.20-1
- ros-noetic-cob-interactive-teleop: 0.6.19-1 → 0.6.20-1
- ros-noetic-cob-monitoring: 0.6.19-1 → 0.6.20-1
- ros-noetic-cob-script-server: 0.6.19-1 → 0.6.20-1
- ros-noetic-cob-teleop: 0.6.19-1 → 0.6.20-1
- ros-noetic-costmap-cspace: 0.10.5-1 → 0.10.6-1
- ros-noetic-dynamic-edt-3d: 1.9.5-4 → 1.9.6-1
- ros-noetic-eigenpy: 2.5.0-1 → 2.6.1-3
- ros-noetic-fkie-master-discovery: 1.2.6-2 → 1.2.7-1
- ros-noetic-fkie-master-sync: 1.2.6-2 → 1.2.7-1
- ros-noetic-fkie-multimaster: 1.2.6-2 → 1.2.7-1
- ros-noetic-fkie-multimaster-msgs: 1.2.6-2 → 1.2.7-1
- ros-noetic-fkie-node-manager: 1.2.6-2 → 1.2.7-1
- ros-noetic-fkie-node-manager-daemon: 1.2.6-2 → 1.2.7-1
- ros-noetic-generic-throttle: 0.6.19-1 → 0.6.20-1
- ros-noetic-joystick-interrupt: 0.10.5-1 → 0.10.6-1
- ros-noetic-laser-geometry: 1.6.5-1 → 1.6.7-1
- ros-noetic-map-organizer: 0.10.5-1 → 0.10.6-1
- ros-noetic-mavlink: 2021.1.4-1 → 2021.2.2-1
- ros-noetic-neonavigation: 0.10.5-1 → 0.10.6-1
- ros-noetic-neonavigation-common: 0.10.5-1 → 0.10.6-1
- ros-noetic-neonavigation-launch: 0.10.5-1 → 0.10.6-1
- ros-noetic-nodelet: 1.10.0-1 → 1.10.1-1
- ros-noetic-nodelet-core: 1.10.0-1 → 1.10.1-1
- ros-noetic-nodelet-topic-tools: 1.10.0-1 → 1.10.1-1
- ros-noetic-nonpersistent-voxel-layer: 1.2.3-2 → 1.3.0-2
- ros-noetic-novatel-oem7-driver: 2.0.0-1 → 2.2.0-1
- ros-noetic-novatel-oem7-msgs: 2.0.0-1 → 2.2.0-1
- ros-noetic-obj-to-pointcloud: 0.10.5-1 → 0.10.6-1
- ros-noetic-octomap: 1.9.5-4 → 1.9.6-1
- ros-noetic-octovis: 1.9.5-4 → 1.9.6-1
- ros-noetic-ompl: 1.5.1-1 → 1.5.2-1
- ros-noetic-openni2-camera: 1.5.0-1 → 1.5.1-1
- ros-noetic-openni2-launch: 1.5.0-1 → 1.5.1-1
- ros-noetic-pilz-industrial-motion-testutils: 0.7.0-1 → 0.7.1-1
- ros-noetic-pilz-msgs: 0.7.0-1 → 0.7.1-1
- ros-noetic-pilz-testutils: 0.7.0-1 → 0.7.1-1
- ros-noetic-pilz-utils: 0.7.0-1 → 0.7.1-1
- ros-noetic-pinocchio: 2.5.0-1 → 2.5.6-1
- ros-noetic-planner-cspace: 0.10.5-1 → 0.10.6-1
- ros-noetic-plotjuggler: 3.0.7-1 → 3.1.0-1
- ros-noetic-plotjuggler-ros: 1.0.0-1 → 1.1.0-2
- ros-noetic-rc-genicam-driver: 0.4.0-1 → 0.5.0-1
- ros-noetic-ros-introspection: 1.1.1-1 → 1.2.0-1
- ros-noetic-roscompile: 1.1.1-1 → 1.2.0-1
- ros-noetic-safety-limiter: 0.10.5-1 → 0.10.6-1
- ros-noetic-sainsmart-relay-usb: 0.0.3-1 → 0.0.4-1
- ros-noetic-scenario-test-tools: 0.6.19-1 → 0.6.20-1
- ros-noetic-service-tools: 0.6.19-1 → 0.6.20-1
- ros-noetic-sick-safetyscanners: 1.0.7-1 → 1.0.8-1
- ros-noetic-track-odometry: 0.10.5-1 → 0.10.6-1
- ros-noetic-trajectory-tracker: 0.10.5-1 → 0.10.6-1
- ros-noetic-vrpn: 7.34.0-1 → 7.34.0-2
- ros-noetic-webots-ros: 2.1.1-1 → 4.0.1-1
Removed Packages [1]:
Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
- Alexander Gutenkunst
- Alexander Tiderko
- Armin Hornung
- Atsushi Watanabe
- Christoph Sprunk
- Cyberbotics
- Daniel Koch
- Dave Hershberger
- David V. Lu!!
- Davide Faconti
- Dima Dorezyuk
- Felix Messmer
- Felix Ruess
- Isaac I. Y. Saito
- Justin Carpentier
- Kevin Hallenbeck
- Lennart Puck
- Loy van Beek
- Mark Moll
- Michael Carroll
- Michael Ferguson
- Mike Purvis
- NovAtel Support
- Oleg Kalachev
- Paul Bovbel
- Richard Bormann
- SoftServe
- Stefan Fabian
- Steven Macenski
- Tim Clephas
- Vladimir Ermakov