Hi All,
The representatives of the NIST ARIAC competition have asked me to pass along the following results for the 2021 ARIAC competition. I would highly recommend you check out the announcement on their website of the final results; it is some super fascinating stuff.
We are happy to announce the results of the 2021 ARIAC Competition:
- Team Reaper, Peng Zeng, Guangxi Wan, Qingwei Dong, Tong Zhang, Xiaoting Dong, Yunpeng He, Yongchao Feng, Shenyang Institute of Automation,Chinese Academy of Sciences, NCS Lab, Intelligent Manufacturing System Group (Link coming soon: http://ncs.sia.cn/Article/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=219 ) (1st Place)
- Team TheItalianJob, Gerardo Puga, Ekumen, https://www.ekumenlabs.com/ (2nd Place)
- Team Sirius, (3rd Place, $10,000 prize)
- Team Boston University ECE, Matthew Boyd, Tom Panenko, Forest Song, Eshed Ohn-Bar, Boston University Electrical & Computer Engineering Department (4th Place, $5,000 prize)
- Team UTA Robotic Vision Lab, Minh Tram and William Beksi, University of Texas at Arlington, http://rvl.uta.edu (5th Place, $2,500 prize)
- Team DRC Chargers, Rohith Venkataramanan , Arya Sasikumar, Iniyan Sasikumar, Sasikumar Allidurai, Dublin Robotics Cub www.dublinroboticsclub.com (6th Place)
The scoring was performed based on a combination of performance, efficiency and cost metrics across the trials, in addition to the results from a panel of three Judges.
Congratulations to all the participating teams on their innovative solutions to the problems posed by the ARIAC 2021 Competition.