Open-sourcing our ROS2-Industrial training material

Dear ROS community,

We, at Fraunhofer IPA, are happy to inform you that we are open-sourcing our ROS2 training material we created with ROSIN funding. Here is the link for the repository: GitHub - ros-industrial/ros2_i_training. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, so feel free to contribute and / or modify it for your usage.

The contents include slides and workshops for the following topics:

  • ROS2 basics
    • Composed node, publish / subscribe, services, actions, parameters, launch system
    • Manged nodes, Quality of Service (QoS)
    • File system
  • Navigation
    • SLAM, navigation
  • Manipulation
    • Basics of manipulation

The slides are written in markdown with remark format. The instructions to convert the markdown files to PDF can be found here: ros2_i_training/slides at main · ros-industrial/ros2_i_training · GitHub.

The workshops are written in markdown with readthedocs format. We have created a docker image with the necessary packages pre-installed. The instructions to install and use the docker container can be found here: ros2_i_training/workshop at main · ros-industrial/ros2_i_training · GitHub.

If you find any bugs or would like to contribute new materials, get in touch with us.

Thanks to ROSIN and the training team at Fraunhofer IPA to make this happen!


Congratz (ex-)team :slight_smile:


Wouldn’t have been possible without you!


Or ROSIN :wink:

(and some more characters)


Probably more ROSIN :smiley:


Would it be possible to have the PDFs as a release on GitHub?

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This is great! Did you link this work to the existing ROS 2 documentation? I think it belongs there! With any luck I should have a space on the new to list wonderul contributions like this.


Thanks Kat! A big thank you to the Open Robotics team as well! The basics workshop is from the ROS2 tutorials.

Did you link this work to the existing ROS 2 documentation?

Should I create a new “training material” section and link the repo there?

This is great! And I could even open a PR to change “ROS2” to “ROS 2” everywhere :grin: :laughing:


Any more ideas on where the PDFs can be hosted?

IIRC, you should be able to create tag and then a release using that. Then it’s possible to attach binaries or any file(s) to that. Managing releases in a repository - GitHub Docs

Gosh! I thought it was just me :crazy_face: :laughing:

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The workshops are now hosted on Welcome to ROS2 workshop! — ROS2 workshop documentation

We have added this as a webhook to the repo, so every PR merged will automatically update the website.


And we have our first contributions already! :smiley: