Qt rosbag exporter

We have open sourced a Qt GUI that allows users to export data topics (Int32, Float32, ros::Time etc.) to CSV file and videos (sensor_msgs/CompressedImage from bag files very easily.

The software is user oriented (non programmer) so it is very easy to use and features a desktop launcher when installed:



Main features are:

  • Export topics to CSV files (multiple topics inside one CSV file is not implemented, each topic goes into one CSV file)
  • Export H264 encoded videos from sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
  • Progress bar to display the progress of the export
  • Ability to export only a portion of a bag file (eg: from second 25 to second 60)
  • Ability to change the video frame rate when exporting the video
  • Ability to cancel exporting video/CSV

The project is available at https://gitlab.com/InstitutMaupertuis/rqt_bag_exporter under a BSD-3-Clause-Attribution license

Feel free to use it and create merge request / issues!


That is great! Thank you!

Awesome! Great work!

Thanks for announcing this. I think many people will find it useful.

For better community visibility I’d recommend adding it to be indexed in one or more rosdistros. Tutorial here or if you’re up for it a full release If you do the full release bloom will prompt you to add source and documentation elements which will mean you don’t need to manually add it to the index as in the first link.

Once it’s indexed you can create a wiki page for it at: http://wiki.ros.org/rqt_bag_exporter and the header will be auto populated with the metadata.

With it indexed and having a wiki page many more people are likely to find it and use it.

It would be really useful if this could handle complex types.