We have open sourced a Qt GUI that allows users to export data topics (Int32
, Float32
, ros::Time
etc.) to CSV file and videos (sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
from bag files very easily.
The software is user oriented (non programmer) so it is very easy to use and features a desktop launcher when installed:
Main features are:
- Export topics to CSV files (multiple topics inside one CSV file is not implemented, each topic goes into one CSV file)
- Export H264 encoded videos from
- Progress bar to display the progress of the export
- Ability to export only a portion of a bag file (eg: from second 25 to second 60)
- Ability to change the video frame rate when exporting the video
- Ability to cancel exporting video/CSV
The project is available at https://gitlab.com/InstitutMaupertuis/rqt_bag_exporter under a BSD-3-Clause-Attribution license
Feel free to use it and create merge request / issues!