Release of towr v1.4 - Trajectory Optimization Library for Walking Robots

Dear ROS community,

We are excited to announce that towr v1.4 has been released! is a light-weight and extensible C++ library for trajectory optimization for legged robots. A base-set of variables, costs and constraints that can be combined and extended to formulate trajectory optimization problems for legged systems. These implementations have been used to generate a variety of motions such as monoped hopping, biped walking, or a complete quadruped trotting cycle, while optimizing over the gait and step durations in less than 100ms (paper).

The thoroughly improved version v1.4 can now easily switch between different robots using the GUI, visualize any type of terrain with terrain patches, directly plot the produced motions using rqt_bag and more. We also improved the efficiency of the underlying Eigen-based NLP wrapper ifopt (video below not sped up!).

Try it out:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-towr_ros

For more information, visit

Alex @
