Iron Irwini Testing & Tutorial Kickoff Party / Instructions
Hi Everyone,
As mentioned previously, we’re conducting a testing and tutorial party for next ROS release, Iron Irwini. If you happened to miss the kickoff of the Iron Irwini Testing and Tutorial party (video) this morning I have put together some written instructions that should let everyone, no matter their time zone, participate.
We need your help to test the next ROS Distro before its release on 5/23/2023. We’re asking the community to pick a particular system setup, that is to say a combination of host operating system, CPU architecture, RMW vendor, and build type (source, debian, binary), and run through a set of ROS tutorials to make sure everything is working smoothly. Depending on the outcome of your tutorials you can either close the ticket or report the errors you found. If you can’t assign the ticket to yourself leave a comment and an admin will take care of it for you. Please do not sign up for more than one ticket at any given time. Everything you need to know about this process to know can be found in this Github repository. Tutorials and installation instructions can be found here, and binaries can be found here.
As a thank you for your help we’re planning to provide the top ten people who contribute to the testing repo with ROS Iron swag. To be eligible to receive swag you must register using this short Google Form so we can match e-mail addresses to Github user names and count the total tickets closed. We can’t give swag to everyone at the Tutorial Party, but we do have ten swag packs to give away to those who perform the most tests. The testing and tutorial party will close on 2023-05-19T07:00:00Z, but we’re asking everyone to get started right away!
Full Instructions
We’re planning to release ROS 2 Iron Irwini on 2023-05-23T07:00:00Z, it is one of our biggest releases yet, and we need the community’s help to make sure that we’ve thoroughly tested the distro on a variety of platforms before we make the final release. What do we mean by testing? We’ll, lots of things, but in the context of the testing and tutorial party we are talking about the package-level ROS unit tests and anything else you want to test. What do we mean by tutorials? We also want to make sure all our ROS tutorials are in working order before the release.
The difficulty in testing a ROS release is that people have lots of different ways they use ROS, and we can’t possibly test all of those combinations. For the testing and tutorial party we have created what we call, “a setup.” A setup is a combination of:
- BuildType: binary, debian or source
- Os: Ubuntu Jammy, Windows and RHEL-9
- Chipset: Amd64 or Arm64
If you already have a particular system setup that you work with, we suggest that you roll with that, otherwise feel free to create a new system setup just for testing purposes. If you normally use Windows or RHEL (or binary compatible distributions to RHEL like Rocky Linux / Alma Linux) we would really appreciate your help as we don’t have a ton of internal resources to test these distributions.
Here are the steps for participating in the testing and tutorial party.
First go to the Tutorial Party Github repo and read the
Figure out your setup!
Note your computer’s host operating system (either Ubuntu Jammy, Windows, or RHEL-9)
Note your chipset, either AMD64 or ARM64, if you don’t know it is probably AMD64.
Note your installed DDS Vendor (this varies by host OS).
Figure out how you want to install the ROS Iron Irwini Beta, your options are:
- Binaries. Instructions
- Debian installation
- Source installation
Once you’ve got your “setup” all figured out take a look at the open tickets in the tutorial repo (at the bottom of the page). There should be a set of tickets for your “setup”. Click on the links and review the available tickets.
Pick a single ticket for your setup and use the assignees option to assign it to yourself. If you can’t assign yourself, leave a comment and an admin will assign the ticket to you
Take a look at the ticket and do as it asks in the “Links” section. For example, in this ticket, its links section points you to this tutorial. You should use your new ROS Iron Irwini setup to run through that tutorial.
Once you complete the links section things will either go smoothly or you will run into problems. Please indicate the results using the check boxes in the “Checks” section of your Github issue.
- If everything goes well, note as such in your ticket’s comment section. We ask that you attach your terminal’s output as a code block or as a gist file. At this point feel free to close the ticket by clicking “close as completed.”
- If something went poorly, also note it in your ticket’s comment section. Please include a full stack trace or other debug output if possible.
Please fill out this short Google form so we can count your contributions and potentially send you some swag. Unfortunately, we can’t give swag away to everyone, but we can provide the top ten ticket closers with giftccodes for TeeSpring.Update: please fill out the Google form for your first issue so we have your contact information.
If you run into issues we recommend you use the Testing Party Repo for those discussions. If you need to have a real time conversation please make use of the #ros-help channel on our official Discord server. The testing and tutorial party wraps up on 2023-05-19T07:00:00Z, but we’re asking everyone to get started early as we will need some lead time to address any bugs.
Happy testing and thanks for all your help! If you have any questions please include them in the comments.