ROS Deployment Meeting (#1?)


for those who are interested in how to manage and deploy the ROS application?, let’s have a follow-up meeting as we promised at ROSCon 2023 BoF :smile:

revised from Automatic Deployment of ROS2 Based System to remote devices: Dual Copy or Containers?, besides we had 44 people registered to BoF: Deployment of ROS 2 to remote devices at ROSCon 2023.

with that, i think there are many interests about how to deploy and manage robot application. Please feel free to join the meeting :coffee:

Date / Place



Really appreciate @ciandonovan , he is willing to share the experience and take the effort for ROS community. :clap: :clap: :clap:

How to join?




That sounds very interesting! Would the meeting be recorded by any chance? It will be difficult for me to join from JP timezone…

Unfortunately no, i cannot record the meeting, sorry. (unless if anyone would like to help to facilitate the meeting and recording this session.)

And sorry for all of you located in Asia Pacific (including Japan) … :bowing_man: it is always hard to schedule the time for everyone. probably next we can be more Asia Pacific friendly time.

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When is the meeting ??? I can try to jump and record for everyone

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Can anyone put a reminder? Or maybe a whatsapp group?

@snick date and time is on this thread. about the recording, i got several requests for that. Actually @ricardotellez with The Construct offered me to facilitate the meeting, so it is under discussion. I need to get back on this once it is decided.

@verbit i send the reminder on this thread. or if you do not want to miss, you can DM me your email, so that i can include you in meeting invitation.

Can you also send me a reminder as well . I will really appreciate it.

My email :

Thank you.

Definitely interested in these discussions, following

My email :

Thank you for your email .

Do we have a discord group for ROS?

Please include me as well,

Thank you in advance!

Hi All,

good news, @ricardotellez with The Construct kindly offers to facilitate the meeting and recording.

Please join the meeting from here.

@ricardotellez really appreciate for the help.

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just a reminder, we will have the meeting tomorrow :exclamation:
please join us to share your experience and ideas :+1:

looking forward to seeing you.


Can you please add me to the invite as well?

can you please add me as well.


here is the zoom meeting link,

we have been having the technical difficulties on zoom meeting link.

we need to end up using GoogleMeet then, sorry for the confusion in such short notice.

here is the meeting link.

ROS2 Deployment Meeting (#1)
Monday, December 4 · 09:00 – 10:00
Time zone: America/Los_Angeles
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: