ROS Developers Podcast #66: Onboard deep learning with NVIDIA Jetson Nano and ROS with Miguel Angel Rodriguez

ROS Developers Podcast #66: Onboard deep learning with NVIDIA Jetson Nano and ROS with Miguel Angel Rodriguez
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Today, I would like to dedicate the episode to those ROS developers that want to build their own robot for doing ROS experiments and learning.

Today we are going to talk with a ROS Developer that has built a ROS robot based on Nvidia Jetson nano in order to do deep learning experiments with ROS robots

So now, it is my pleasure to introduce you again Miguel Angel Rodriguez. Miguel Angel is the CTO of The Construct . There he builds robots, develops ROS code and creates online courses for learning ROS. He is also the host of Morpheus Chair, a Youtube show where he shows how to interact with ROS and real hardware.
He is here today to explain us about his latest robot built on top of Nvidia Jetson Nano.

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