ROS News for the Week of 3/26/2021

ROS News for the Week of 3/26/2021

Igntion Edifice has been Released!

K3lso Stands!

April Fools’ Day Fun: Ignition Banana for Scale


April Fools’ Day Fun

Ignition Release




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Isn’t this the Niryo Ned, which CPR appears to be reseller of?

Astrobees are one of the coolest robots I’ve seen. Huge fan! Here is an interesting talk about them from ROSCON 2018 by Andrew Symington. Also I remember this paper being a good read as well.

If anyone knows someone who worked on this project and would be willing to share their experience on one of the Weekly Robotics meetups I would hugely appreciate it!

There is a mistake about the date of ROSCon Fr.
It will take place on 06/22/2021.