ROS News for the Week of 8/23/2021
Open Robotics has launched the Sense, Think, Act Podcast
Our amazing GSoC intern, Amr, has created a data annotation extension for Ignition.
- 9/21/2021 DARPA SubT Final
- 9/14/2021 PX4 Dev Summit
- 9/16/2021 ROSConJp
- 9/21/2021 - 9/24/2021 ROS 2 Industrial Training
- 9/29/2021 CARMA Work Zone Use Case
- 10/1/2021 IROS Workshop Open Deep Learning Toolkit for Robotics
- 10/5/2021 ROS 2 with Elixir
- 10/16/2021 Self Racing Cars Bay Area
- 10/20/2021 ROSWorld is Back!
- IEEE RAS Best Publications Awards
- Robots From Automated to Autonomous
- CNN on Open Robotics’ Work in Singapore
- Arduino IDE 2.0 Beta
- Astrobee will find Lost Socks
- New Rover Robotics ROS Robot – Tows a Car
- Robot Report: ROSCon Canceled
- Rail Inspection Robot
- Open Weed Locator
- Overriding Autonomous Driving Systems Using Adaptive Adversarial Billboards
- The RealSense is Not Dead
- Weekly Robotics #157
- Coco Raises $36M
- Hackaday Prize: Robots
- ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes for August
- Sense, Think, Act Podcast
- August 2021 ROS-I Community Meeting
- I don’t know what to do with those tossed salads and robot legs
- Recording of August Ignition Community Meeting
- REP-2008 RFC - ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration Architecture and Conventions
- 125 New and 129 New ROS 2 Galactic Packages
- Four Bar Linkage Demo in Ignition
- Machine Learing Extension for Ignition Gazebo
- Getting Started with MoveIt 2
- Foxglove Teleop Panel
- Open-source release of ROS2 For Unity
- Sense, Think, Act Website
- Slammer Rover Software
- “Fog” Computing for ROS
- Webots + ROS 2 TurtleBot Tutorial
- VSCode Extension for ROS 0.6.9 Release
- REP-2008 RFC: Hardware Acceleration
- Nav2 Request for Comment: Path Smoothing
- ROS 2 for Unity
- DDS Prometheus Exporter