ROS News for the Week of 3/15/2021
- The Ignition Gazebo Edifice release is in a couple weeks.
- Learn all about the release next week at the Ignition community meeting.
- Help us name the “F” release.
- Finally, IGNITION EDIFICE NEEDS YOUR HELP, we’re having a tutorial party ahead of the release to verify everything is working. We’ll have more details at the community meeting.
Time for Baseball Spring Training, with ROS
ROS News for the week of 3/15/2021
- 3/23/2021 Mass Robotics – Fundraising for Robotics Startups
- 3/24/2021 Ignition Gazebo Community Meeting
- 3/25/2021 ROS-Industrial at Automate
- 3/30/2021 Open Source 101 Gazebo Talk
- 4/9/2021 Open Hardware Summit – purchase tickets here
- 4/13/2021 ROS-Industrial Annual Meeting
- 6/22/2021 ROSCon Fr
- 9/16/2021 ROSConJp
- 10/21/2021 ROSCon is Back!
- Open Robotics at FOSSASIA Recordings
- MoveIt joins GSoC 2021
- Perfect Pitch with ROS
- Waterloo EDC Interviews Clearpath CEO
- Visual history of SLAM 2007 to 2021
- Lots of news about the “Full Self Driving” beta for Teslas. I would be interested to hear what people have to say on this matter.
- The Secret Life of Hinges
- PR2 Lightsaber Battle
- ROS-I Wins NIST grant for Agile Robotic Assembly
- OpenCV Cheat Sheet
- PickNik Robotics Profile of RBR
- How A Bike Safety Bot Became a Building Block for Computer Engineers
- Make Magazine Reviews the OAK-D
ROS Packages
- 10 New and 81 Updated Melodic Packages
- 48 New and 99 Update Noetic Packages
- 17 New and 306 Updated ROS 2 Rolling Packages
- ROS-I 3D Camera List Updated
- Robot Report on UR Cartesian Driver
- Noetic on Windows Tutorial (Japanese)
- Change to Serialization for SLAM Toolbox
- Docker + ROS + VNC (Japanese)
- ROS on Flutter
- Universal Robots ROS Driver Beta
- micro-ROS on ARM Mbed
- Webots and ros_control