ROS News for the Week of December 30th, 2024 / 2025 :TADA:

ROS News for the Week of December 30th, 2024 / 2025 :tada:

@rkent has been working diligently for months on a whole host of pull requests to improve ROS Index and the ROS 2 documentation process. He is currently seeking feedback on experimental tools in ROS Index. Please take a moment to take a look at his work and offer your feedback!

Earlier in December Automatic Addison published a lovely tutorial on tuning Nav2.

This week our colleagues at RT released a Jazzy version of their RaspiMouse robot. If you are looking for a smaller form factor educational robot it is worth checking out!

Aditya Nair, a graduate student at Northwestern, has a fantastic blog post about data-driven control for agile flight in a confined space. Aditya used a commercial robot bird toy, an Opti-track motion capture system, ROS 2 Humble, and an Arduino, to make it possible to fly the drone safely indoors. video

Happy New Year! :turtle: :tada: I have some bonus turtle content for this week. Here is a happy family of Florida Red Bellied Cooters I saw in the Everglades this week.




Got a Minute?

:clap: WE :clap: NEED :clap: MORE :clap: PR :clap: REVIEWERS :clap:

PR reviews are a great way to dip your toes into open source development!

Don’t let imposter syndrome stop you. If you are reading this you are probably qualified to review a ROS PR!

Below is a list of seven easy ROS 2 pull requests that could really use your review!