ROS News for the Week of February 24th, 2025

ROS News for the Week of February 24th, 2025

Join us on 2025-03-10T08:00:00Z for our first ever Open-RMF Community Forum. The Open-RMF core development team wants to meet with the community and discuss the future of the project.

Want a better way to build realistic Gazebo worlds? Check out this Gazebo terrain generator that can use digital elevation maps (DEMs) and images to build Gazebo worlds.

Our friends over at the Le Robot team have released their own low-cost mobile manipulator.

Sometimes it is the little wins! Our friend @RobotDreams has a working example of a TurtleBot4 navigating around their home using a Raspberry Pi 5.

Do you need a simple URDF model for Gazebo? Check out this new wizard that automates the process of making simple robot models.




Got a Minute? :mantelpiece_clock:

We could really use some help over in the ROS documentation!

This week someone pointed out that you can use Ament CMake to automatically set environment variables for your robot. This feature is really handy for things like configuring your RMW settings or your Gazebo simulation. The feature has existed for some time, but since it is undocumented people rarely use it. We would really appreciate it if someone would write the docs for it. We’ve got a couple of example use cases so writing the documentation should only take an hour or two. :heart:

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