[TB3] New Tutorial Examples: TurtleBot3 Patrol Control & Interactive Marker Control!

:rocket: New Tutorial Examples: TurtleBot3 Patrol Control & Interactive Marker Control! :turtle::robot:

Within the ROS 2 Humble environment, we are pleased to announce the addition of new tutorial examples for both patrol control and interactive marker control. At ROBOTIS AI Platform Team, we are committed to managing a diverse portfolio of open-source projects including TurtleBot3, OpenManipulator, and the Dynamixel SDK. Looking ahead, we plan to introduce a range of tutorials covering Autonomous Driving, Perception, Manipulation, Simulation, Physical AI, and more. We invite you to explore and experience these cutting-edge solutions firsthand.

Below, please find the resources associated with our latest tutorials:

:white_check_mark: Patrol Control
:movie_camera: Tutorial Video: https://youtu.be/6ZyaFREFhnk
:books: Tutorial Manual: TurtleBot3

:white_check_mark: Interactive Marker Control
:movie_camera: Tutorial Video: https://youtu.be/im7HX76zR7U
:books: Tutorial Manual: TurtleBot3

:inbox_tray: GitHub Repository

:speech_balloon: Community

#ROBOTIS #DYNAMIXEL turtlebot3 #OpenMANIPULATOR robot ros