Omnivision - 360° Camera and LiDAR Fusion


Omnivision is an open-source sensor fusion package designed to integrate and process data from 360° cameras and LiDAR sensors. This tool is developed to support advanced perception tasks in robotics, autonomous systems, and other applications requiring multi-modal sensor data fusion.

I had the idea for a competition robot and created the package at a hackathon. I’ve since refined it and you can find it here: Blainektmo/omnivision.

Would love to see where others can take this with performance improvements/useability!


  • 360° Camera and LiDAR Integration: Full environmental coverage from 3D LiDAR and 360° camera.

  • Data Fusion: Combine camera and LiDAR data to generate textured point clouds.

  • Depth Map Generation: Creates textured and grayscale depth maps.

  • Dynamic Visualization Compute: Only generates pointclouds / depthmaps when topics have subscribers.

Feel free to drop any questions, feedback, or critiques!