ROS to ROS2 Package Porting Request Survey / Call for Assistance

Hi all, friendly neighborhood navigator here.

I got an interesting PM this morning asking me how they could jump in on porting ROS2 packages. I realized “wow, I don’t actually have a list going of things we need ported.” Sure I can look at the ROS1 packages and cross reference them to the ROS2 list, but not all packages are worth porting or have enough re-use to make it an important dependency.

So lets change that, shall we? In this survey, please fill in with ROS 1 packages without an initial port that you need to have made available in ROS 2 to make the transition. Do not list packages with initial ROS 2 ports but not yet released, please directly contact maintainers about doing a release.

Also in the same survey, I ask if you yourself are interested in helping to port packages and would like me to reach out to try to help arrange it. You’re obviously very welcome to go off porting things yourself without me (please do that if you can). The packages with more responses from unique users are more important to port as they block many users.

While this survey asks for a GitHub handle, you are not required to provide one if you aren’t comfortable with having your name and request in the public responses. However, if I start seeing misuse, I will make a judgement call and delete your entries and reinstate a required identification field. If we all are honest citizens of the world, we’ll have no problems.

You may fill in the form as many times for as many packages you think are important. The results are available publicly below. If you are interested in porting packages, please reference this list for potential ideas. Please contact me if you need some help selecting a package to work on or a maintainer is not responsive, you can mention me by my github handle @stevemacenski. If you complete a port, ping me and I’ll strike out those entries from the document to let users know its been completed.

Happy porting,


And as always, if you’re interested in Navigation, ROS2, mobile robotics, or similar, join us in the navigation slack group: Introduce yourself on the #onboarding channel and lets work on some cool stuff!

Keep me posted on how this goes. Perhaps if we get to a critical mass we could put together some sort of distributed community hack day.



This is great survey, thanks for taking care of this :smile: How long is this open? I guess I need some time to ask around.

I don’t think of this as an ‘ending’ thing, I think this could potentially be pinned and I would hope that people would continuously update it (and help clear them by helping port) until we run out of sufficiently important packages to evaluate and port. This is about creating transparency in the process of porting (what’s missing?) and an actionable list for bored developers, open source people, or companies needing these packages for their own needs to step in.


@smac Congratulations it’s an amazing initiative

I am not able to login using my gmail. Can you please send me an email invitation?

@evancc PM me with your email