[ROS2 Humble] 3H Tutorial for Beginners

Hi Everyone,

I’m pleased to share with you a free ROS2 Humble crash course that I’ve published on YouTube.

You can watch the crash course here.

In the course you start from scratch, and here is what we cover:

  • Install ROS2 Humble on Ubuntu 22.04.
  • Create a ROS2 workspace and Python package.
  • Discover concepts such as Topics, Services, through experimentation.
  • Practice on those concepts while writing Python code.
  • Create a ROS2 project using a simulated 2D robot (TurtleSim).

The crash course is almost 3h long, and I think that can be a good introduction to ROS2 if you have never used it before, or even if you’ve already started but things don’t make sense (that was exactly my feelings when I got started in 2016). I hope this course can be useful!

Thank you.

@renarded Very good introductory tutorial, I organized and shared it on our Chinese website, if there is any offense, please let me know, vist the hubmle toutorial link , and vist the neotic toutorial

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