ROSCon 2024 Videos are Now Available
Hi Everyone,
The videos from ROSCon 2024 in Odense are now available on the ROSCon Website (see the program), this Vimeo showcase, and in the ROS documentation. The ROSCon website also includes the slides from all the talks at ROSCon. I have also included a list of all the videos below.
I want to thank AMD for being our 2024 ROSCon video sponsor, their generous support makes the ROSCon live stream and videos possible.
2024 ROSCon Talks
- Opening remarks and Mayor’s Welcome
- Saving lives sooner: leveraging ROS 2 for end-stage kidney disease
- The State of ROS: Beneath the Kilt
- RMW Zenoh: An alternative middleware for ROS 2
- The State of the Infrastructure
- In the Spot Light: Controlling Spot with ROS 2
- Panel: Successfully Deploying ROS 2 Into Production
- Executors in ROS 2
- The Multithreaded Events Executor
- Accelerating Robotics Development with Embedded Linux
- Real-time ROS 2 applications made easy with cactus-rt
- Something big is coming in ros2_control with ROS 2 Jazzy!
- How to Use a Dragon’s Algorithm: Integrating Drake with MoveIt 2
- More than just an actuator – Better ROS support for a manipulator
- A ROS 2 Package for Dynamic Collision Avoidance Based On On-Board Proximity Sensors for Human-Robot Close Interactions
- GSplines: Generalized Splines for Motion Optimization and Smooth Collision Avoidance
- KOI and EBIKE: Optimizing Kinematics Structures and IK Parameters by Combining REACH and Optuna
- A Fuzzy-Matching Trajectory Cache for MoveIt 2
- iceoryx2: A Journey to Becoming a First-Class RMW Alternative
- J1939 CAN Device Support in ROS 2
- Integration of ETSI ITS messages for V2X communication in ROS
- Unlocking the Potential of the Nicla Vision Board with ROS / ROS 2
- We Hate Serial: Experiments using CAN-FD as a transport layer for micro-ROS
- ROS 2 Gateway to Professional 24/7 Applications
- Optimizing Gazebo simulation: Challenges in building complex simulation environments.
- Building Humanoid Robots: Mastering Design and Control with ROS
- URDF Creator: Bridging the Gap Between Learning and Applying ROS 2
- Enabling ROS 2 Benchmarks: A Medical Robotics Perspective
- Scenario Execution for Robotics: A generic, backend-agnostic library for running reproducible robotics experiments and tests
Lightning Talks​:zap:
- Mobile Robotics Scale-up Leveraging ROS
- The State of Gazebo
- The State of Open-RMF
- Migrating a Mobile Manipulator to ROS 2
- Jazzy Jalisco rosbag2 updates and new features
Lightning Talks
- How is my robot? - On the state of ROS Diagnostics
- Accelerating the CI/CD-to-robot cycle by 10x for 1/10th the cost
- r2s: A Terminal User Interface for ROS 2
- The Lighthouse project: from Virtual Reality to Onboard Positioning for Robotics
- Building system packages with colcon in your own compact buildfarm
- robot_folders – your favorite meta-workspace manager
- Scaling Open-RMF from a Test Bench → Lab → Controlled Environment → Production
- Open-RMF and the Challenge of Resource Contention in Large-Scale Robot Fleets
- ROS in Large-scale Factory Automation
- Enhancing Robotic Communication & Scalability with Topic Keys in ROS 2
- ROS 2 (and DDS) Compatible Selective Large Data Transfer
- Agent-based AI Framework for ROS 2
- ros2ai Next-Gen ROS 2 CLI empowered by OpenAI
- Building Foundation Model-powered Robots with ROS: A Survey
- Scenic for ROS: A Probabilistic Programming Language for World Modeling and Data Generation for Robotics
- Software Platform Design and SDK Development for ROS 2-based LG AI Companion Device
- Beluga AMCL: A modern Monte Carlo Localization implementation for ROS
- Radar Tracks for Path Planning in the presence of Dynamic Obstacles
- On Use of Nav2 Docking
- ROS robot health monitoring: the Bonsai approach
- Navigation Ă la carte: choose navigation profile and strategy as you go
- Panel 2: Ask us anything! With the OSRF Board of Directors + Closing Remarks