ROS News for the Week of June 24th, 2024

ROS News for the Week for June 24th, 2024

This week @opfernandez announced a new ROS 2 wrapper node for “Depth Anything V2” that was just published at CVPR 2024.. This new algorithm can translate a conventioal RGB camera image into a depth camera image. Really cool stuff!

Austin Texas is getting its first ROS Meetup! If you are in the area swing by on July 25th.

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@alsora has a great post explaining all the changes to ROS 2 executors in Jazzy Jalisco. The performance of executors in Jazzy has increased substantially so it is worth checking out the post.

This week we announced the first of many events that are happening in conjunction with ROSCon! Teradyne, the parent company of MiR and Universal Robotics, will be hosting tours of their new research center in Odense on the first day of ROSCon. Details are on the ROSCon website, and you can sign up for a tour during ROSCon registration.




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