September 2024 Maritime Community Group Show-and-Tell Sign Up Sheet

For the September 2024 ROS Maritime Community Group meeting, we plan to hold a “show-and-tell” meeting in which folks are given ~5-10 minutes–depending on the number of registered participants–to share their work on marine robotics. Below is a non-exhaustive list of potential ideas for work that could be shared:

  • A new Gazebo plugin that supports simulation of marine vehicles
  • Tools/templates for marine robots (e.g., a new ROS driver for a sonar sensor)
  • Cool robot videos of your work!
  • New features/updates added to an existing maritime project

To help track the number of folks interested in sharing their work at the meeting, we ask that interested participants sign up using the following Google Docs form:

Sign-Up Sheet

We hope to see you at the meeting!


@evan-palmer Can you point me ot the meeting invite (date and time) for the Sept meeting?

For visibility - we’re penciling in Sep 24, regular time (8 am Pacific).

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