Simulator for robotics - Help needed!


I am Loïc, co-founder of, a startup developing an open source simulator dedicated to maritime robotics researchers.

Our motivation is to provide the community with a much simpler and quicker experience for developing and testing robotics algorithms before experimenting in the field.

To focus on the most important features for the community, we drafted a survey to get a better understanding of your needs and pain points. This survey goes deeper than the previous one we had on this forum.

If for your activities you need / use / develop simulators for robotics (maritime or not), we’d greatly appreciate it if you could help us and fill it out!

Click here for the survey.

No question is mandatory, so you can skip the ones you don’t feel comfortable with! It takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.

If you are interested in knowing more about us, you can visit our website, or drop us a line at !

We will share the consolidated results of the survey with the community.
Thanks so much for your help !
