Hi, I am trying to set up an ESP32 based bot running MicroROS connected to a my ROS host running on Docker. My base project has the device side subscribing to the /cmd_vel topic, where I am trying to publish messages from the tuttlesim telop_key executable on my ROS host and I am expecting to see the call back in my code being activated thru debug messaging on my device.
I see my device register with the agent on boot and I see the device spinning waiting for a message but I am not seeing the node in the node graph.
I was expecting to see a Node in the node graph representing my connected device thru the Agent.
When I issue commands via the teleop key executable, I am not seeing the call back being activated.
I am looking for insight on how to debug this ??
The project is located here GitHub - gentijo/MaqueenBattleBots
The code as it is should run on any ESP32, I haven’t added any specific code to control the device itself yet.
The files of importance on the device are;
Main code to init the ESP32 and MicroROS
Registers the subscription and prints debug on call back.
Hacking around, I was able to get the Node to show up on the Node graph by setting my Domain ID = 0, for some reason it was 3, not sure if I set it or it was copied and pasted from somewhere.
Now the Node shows up on the Graph but it is not connected to the Teleop_Key node.
I also changed the namespace, it seemed to change things but not in a way that is helpful.
My device node is the one node named /turtle1, if I terminate the Agent and disconnect my device I get the 2nd graph.