Hi there!
We just released a URDF simulation model for the StreetDrone Twizy drive-by-wire vehicle. It’s compatible with ROS kinetic (branch:master) and ROS melodic (branch:melodic). It includes:
- sd_robot: full urdf of the vehicle
- sd_description: Gazebo worlds and launch files
- sd_control: nodes for controlling the robot with a Joystick, a Keyboard or Autoware.AI (for the melodic version)
Find it here: https://github.com/streetdrone-home/SD-TwizyModel
We also wrote a quite technical blog post explaining the development process of the robot description and the robot control. Blog: Hello World!- Simulation
Let me know what you think!! 

Have you considered submitting this model to the SubT Tech Repo? The DARPA Subterranean Challenge is incorporating new robot models for the Virtual Competition, and we have wikis on migrating models to Ignition Gazebo and submitting them. It might be cool to see if Twizy can squeeze through the tunnels.
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fun fact: you can turn Twizy into a Batmobile if you have a very large printer. My boy loved his first ride in an EV. He already understood from his toy cars that “It needs batteries!”
That is a great idea, Katherine.
I will speak with the team about joining the Subterranean Challenge.
Thanks! Looking forward to it.
Hi Katherine,
Isn’t it a bit late for us to join?
It’s not too late! The Tunnel Circuit and Urban Circuit events are done, but new teams can still join for the Cave Circuit this year and the Final Event next year.
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