index.js?b635:186 display class 'rviz/Range' not supported
start @ index.js?b635:186
index.js?b635:186 display class 'rviz/Marker' not supported
start @ index.js?b635:186
index.js?b635:186 display class 'rviz/TF' not supported
start @ index.js?b635:186
index.js?b635:186 display class 'rviz/Image' not supported
start @ index.js?b635:186
index.js?b635:186 display class 'rviz/Marker' not supported
start @ index.js?b635:186
4index.js?b635:186 display class 'rviz/Range' not supported
Maybe I’m doing something wrong here, or is it just not that far developed yet?
Does everything go through rosbridge aside from the video stream? From what I’ve used it in other implementations, even large laserscans seem to completely clog it on wifi, at what frequency are you getting updates on that pointcloud over there?
From what I understand this is mostly a wrapper around ros3djs, that feeds data and models, etc. into it? Usually models need to be set up locally for rviz to pick them up, I don’t suppose that works over rosbridge.
I’ll definitely be supporting more of the low hanging fruit (1:1 mappings rviz → ros3djs ). Including Marker, InteractiveMarker, Tf, Urdf, Image
Urdf and Image will probably take me a while to get perfect.
As for network optimization and service approaches, its a looong story and YMMV but I try to use reasonable defaults:
First off, if your ROS device has the compute it is helpful to run the services in the example/point_cloud.launch
Right now the vizualizer is pulling all data from rosbridge. The example runs point_downsample_node which by default will downsample a pointcloud topic to around ~100kBs or less and includes a visual tool for tweaking settings. There are also a few tools in the ros community for doing the same down sampling step. I also include in the example launch tools for more efficient image and pointcloud downlinking, these aren’t supported yet but will make image streaming as good as your network will allow{ web_video_server, depthcloud_encoder }.
rosbridge has some pretty bad performance at times so its best to use low bandwidth topics and reasonable defaults for what to show in viz, its actually pretty good at high frequency/low bandwidth topics tho. I also see rosbridge sometimes slowing to the speed of the slowest client at times, so multi-user can be a bit wonky performance wise. Naturally your specific network situation and compute are a huge factor.
Supported joy sticks in the browser along with several other updates
v0.2.0: adds viz support for { [tf, Marker, Odom(bug fix), URDF }.
v0.3.1: adds viz support for InteractiveMarkers, supports /joy publishing from the browser when gamepad attached, improved TfTree, URDF and debug output