Call for Demos and Work-in-Progress
Workshop on Security and Privacy in Robotics
co-located with ICRA 2020 (http://icra2020.org/)
Paris, France
May 31, 2020
Submission deadline: March 31, 2020
Notification: April 15, 2020
Camera-ready deadline: April 25, 2020
Submission site: https://conference2.aau.at/event/27/
The workshop on “Security and Privacy in Robotics” addresses recent security
and privacy challenges with the robotic systems. The trend of integrating
robots with information and communication technologies (ICTs) such as cloud
services and IoTs has imposed cybersecurity risks. Interdisciplinary
approaches that bridge cryptography, communication networks, data sciences,
control systems, and robotic operating systems will be examined and discussed
to address the emerging challenges. This workshop will gather experts in this
emerging area of research and provide a perspective on relevant challenges
and opportunities for the academia and industry. The workshop will focus on
recent advances in areas such as ROS security, cloud robotic security, and
privacy issues in robotics. It will give the audience an overview of the
systematic security solutions to robotic systems in these areas and provide a
platform to discuss new research directions. Conclusions will be summarized
in a report released to the community.
- Robot security architectures
- Secure deployment of robotic systems
- Accountability
- Safety and Security modeling of robot systems
- Lessons learned from practice
- Demonstrations of practical solutions
- Cloud operated robots
- Cryptography and Applications in robotics
- Cross-disciplinary topics
- Resilient robotic systems
- Security of multi-agent robotic systems
- submission of work-in-progress
The (WiP) session provides an opportunity to present and discuss
new challenges and visions, showcase early research results, and
explore novel research directions. The specific aim of the WiP
session is to provide a forum for timely presentation, discussion
and feedback for novel, controversial, and thought-provoking ideas.
- submission of demos
Demonstration submissions should list any special requirements
(tables, power, wireless connectivity, etc.) n a separate page to
the submitted abstract (see the instructions below). This page is
not part of the technical content of the abstract, can be formatted
at the discretion of the authors.
Authors are requested to submit original, unpublished abstracts of
no more than 500 words or 2 pages of extended abstract. All submissions must be
in PDF format and uploaded through the online system
The submitted abstract describing the work or demo will be
evaluated based on technical merit, innovation, and the potential
to stimulate lively discussions at the conference.
For any further questions on the submission or workshop format,
please don’t hesitate to contact us (email addresses given below).
- Quanyan Zhu, New York University, USA, quanyan.zhu@nyu.edu
- Stefan Rass, Universitaet Klagenfurt, Austria, stefan.rass@aau.at
- Bernhard Dieber, Joanneum Research, Austria, Bernhard.Dieber@joanneum.at