Announcing 'px4_sitl' package: all you need to perform a PX4 SITL simulation with gazebo classic and ROS

Hey everyone, I would like to announce my recent ROS package px4_sitl which simplifies the process of PX4 SITL with gazebo and ROS.

In the past, if someone needed to perform PX4 SITL simulation with gazebo and ROS, he should first download the PX4 source code and compile/configure it which is quite complicated and time consuming.

Now, we provide a tailored ROS package named px4_sitl which contains the compiled PX4 SITL firmware and minimal necessary gazebo plugins and models. You can launch a sim PX4 vehicle (iris/vtol/plane) just with this single package. No need for downloading PX4 source code anymore!

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Thanks for sharing!

Which distro and version of ROS and gazebo does it support?

I have only tested it on ubuntu20.04 with ROS noetic and Gazebo11