[Google Summer of Code 2024] Zenoh Support & Benchmarking

@Rayman unfortunately i cannot say anything about which rmw middleware should be selected for jazzy, i conducted my benchmark tests using ros rolling. But at least i can say that rmw_zenoh is not ready for production so that we still have open reported issues like rmw_subscription_data_t sub_data_handler problem · Issue #240 · ros2/rmw_zenoh · GitHub and still has some dataraces. However you can use rmw_zenoh for navigation2 and moveit2 projects. I think the more reliable benchmark results can be produced using Apex AI’s performance_test tool for rmw_fastrtps and rmw_cyclonedds.(I didn’t say for rmw_zenoh because rmw_zenoh crashes performance_test). There are a lot of factor that affects the benchmark results like qos etc. I could test with default qos and this factors can put different middlewares to first place. (i forgot to write my PC specifics. I will update in my available time)