ROS News for the Week of 2/1/2021
Robin Fröjd has RVIZ and Teleop Running on a Nintendo Switch and it looks amazing!
I needed an image for ROSCon France 2021– this is what google suggests ¯\(ツ)/¯,
- 2/23/2021 ROS-I Training
- 2/10/2021 Atlanta ROS Meetup
- 3/5/2021 Women in Hardware: Aicha Evans, CEO of Zoox
- 6/22/2021 ROSCon France
- Wired on our work in Singapore
- Reddit Robotics Showcase
- Mixed Reality Robotics Example from Microsoft
ROS Packages
- Gazebo 7 & 10 go EOL
- Dynamixel Spot Arm
- Ignition on Windows: now with fewer warnings!
- Rust Working Group
- Eclipse Fog: Life-Cycle Management for Robots
- micro-ROS now on ROS 2 Rolling
- February Quality Assurance Working Group
- iviz: Moving a ROS Robot with AR
- Feedback on ROS 2 Tracing
- New Packages for ROS 2 Dashing
- Robonomics Grants for ROS Applications
- Jetson 10Xs PCL Libraries for ROS
- Micro ROS and Raspberry Pi Pico