ROS News for June 26th, 2023
Melodic is now End of Life if you’re not thinking of switching to ROS 2 you need to be thinking about it. YOU HAVE TWO MORE YEARS LEFT OF ROS 1 SUPPORT.
Flappy Bird in Gazebo! Flappy Bird in Gazebo! Flappy Bird in Gazebo!. I feel like we should have a flappy bird controller competition.
Halo from Munich! If the news looks light this week it is because I spent the week running a ROS meetup in Munich and attending Automatica for the Intrinsic launch. I met at least a dozen new companies using ROS, and checked up on some of our long time users.
I’ll try to get a longer update out when I get back. I imagine there will also be a video explaining the Intrinsic booth in the near future.
I’ll be in Bordeaux, France, next week for ROS Industrial EU and ROSCon France. If you are attending please come introduce yourself! Due to my travel schedule there probably won’t be a news update next week.
- 2023-07-04 → 2023-07-05 ROScon France in Bordeaux –in conjunction with RoboCup
- 2023-07-04 → 2023-07-05 ROS Industrial EU
- 2023-07-07 Construct ROS Developers Day
- 2023-07-09 ROSCon Submission Deadline
- 2023-07-26 ROS Meetup Stuttgart
- 2023-08-01 Autoware Challenge Proposals Due
- 2023-08-14 - 2023-08-25 ROS Summer School
- 2023-08-20 PX4 Dev Summit Developer Diversity Scholarships
- 2023-09-26 ROSCon JP
- 2023-09-29 ROSCon Madrid
- 2023-10-02 → 2023-10-04 IROS Simulated Humanoid Robot Wrestling Competition
- 2023-10-18 → 2023->10-20 ROSCon 2023 New Orleans
- 2023-10-21 → 2023->10-22 PX4 Developer Summit New Orleans
- Intrinsic Launch at Automatica
- Nauticus Wins $100M Contract with Petrobras
- Dexory Nabs $19M Series A
- B Garage Raises $20M
- Unitree Robot Dog Hacked with Unofficial SDK
- US House Republicans Pro Harassing Migrants with Robot Dogs
- Realtime Robotics Raises $9.5M
- New ROS 2 Toy Robot Arm
- IROS 2023 Competition List
- Polimove Wins First IAC Road Course
- New Robotics Gaemi AMR
- Zoox Hits the Road in Vegas
- ROS & Docker Tutorial Series
- 4 New and 78 Updated Packages for Iron Irwini
- 33 New and 111 Updated Packages for Rolling Ridley
- 39 new and 354! Updated Packages for Humble Hawksbill
- ROS Hackathon Oslo Code
- Get that Nav2 Drip
- Tutorial: O3DE Simulation + SLAM Toolbox_
- Teaching with ROS at University
- Nav2 Jazzy Roadmap
- REP-149 Changes: Please Update Your Package XML Files
- Melodic is now End of Life
- ROS Industrial Conference North America Videos
- FLAPPY BIRD in Gazebo!
- Linorobot 2 Packages
- micro-ROS RT-Thread Example
- Nvidia Jetson ROS Project List
ROS Answers Questions
No ROS questions this week. Please read our post about the Stack Exchange migration and take action.