HoloOcean Underwater Robotics Simulator ROS2 Bridge

Dear fellow Maritime Robotics Enthusiasts!

We are delighted to announce the initial release of the ROS2 Bridge for HoloOcean.

Check out our Youtube video: HoloOcean ROS2 Bridge - YouTube

Main Features

  • ROS2 bridge using rclpy and the HoloOcean Python API
  • Thruster control using ROS2 messages
  • Basic URDF file for the HoveringAUV vehicle based on the Unreal Engine simulation
  • Converts ImagingSonar data to PointCloud messages
  • Uses PyBind-based C++ module to handle the conversion
  • Runs the conversion on a background thread to reduce simulation delays
  • Docker and Virtualenv based development environment (see holoocean_tools)
  • Demo application with Rviz visualization

Github repositories

Future Work

  • Implement ROS2 Control Hardware Interface
  • Implement more sensors
  • Allow handling more agents at the same time

About Us

This project was implemented as a research project by Migeran - Software Engineering & Consulting.

We are available for new software development projects in Robotics, AR/VR, and other domains. If you have any questions, you may contact us through our website.