Leo Rover + ZED2 on Marsyard - Gazebo simulation

Hi there,
It’s been some time since we published it and I just realized I never bragged here :slight_smile:
Here: Leo Rover Integrations - Gazebo simulation with ZED2 camera
you can find an already pre-set simulation of Leo Rover (4 wheeled skid steering with double rocker suspension) with simulated ZED2.
The rover is located on a scanned real Marsyard (the original is in Kielce, Poland) that was used for European Rover Challenge competition.

Feel free to play :smiley:

More about the Challenge Simulation here: Leo Rover Blog - Exploring Mars through simulation


Hi @Szymon_Dzwonczyk
I analyzed your sdf file for the ZED2 to understand how you simulated the single sensors.
I noticed that you set an h_fov of 1.7633 rad instead of providing the intrinsic parameters, while you instead took the distortion parameters from the camera calibration file.
Can I ask you why you did it?
I’m curious because I’m working on a Gazebo Garden plugin for the ZED and there are a few “not working” features, so I’d like to know your experience.

PS Yes, we’ll release an official Gazebo plugin with ZED SDK support very soon… we must finish figuring out some simulation problems. But don’t tell anyone :wink:

@Myzhar - Our software mastermind @Blazej_Sowa hopefully will be able to answer.
It’s still interesting Stereolabs don’t really improve their drivers to actually meet the reality. But I guess most of the manufacturers somehow forget about ROS.

What do you mean? :slight_smile:
Your suggestion to improve our devices and software is always highly appreciated.

Oh, I didn’t know you’re from ZED :smiley:
I remember @Blazej_Sowa complained about that the simulation is not entirely 1:1 to real drivers and needed to add his own. Maybe he could give a hand here to point what exactly.

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Sorry, I missed your answer.
Yes, currently it is not possible to import Gazebo data into the ZED SDK and then use the ZED ROS/ROS2 Wrapper with simulated images due to security issues. A similar mechanism could in fact allow everyone to use the ZED SDK with their own stereo images…
We finally found a workaround and are developing our own Gazebo plugin based on it.

Regarding the intrinsic parameters… the Gazebo/Ignition engine was ignoring them, that’s why we had troubles:

Thanks for the info. Keep us updated of course on the development as it would be super interesting to see it developed and maintained centrally.
Hope @Blazej_Sowa see the topic to use the info in future simulations :slight_smile:

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