Maritime WG Rebirth!

Hello Everybody!

On April we had our last meeting and so far not much has been going on the maritime working group. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time for being the admin of the maritime working group anymore. I’d like to thank the great contribution of @arjo129 who has been and still is the admin of the WG. Also I’d like to thank @mabelzhang and @natrad100 who also attended to a lot of meetings and made awesome contributions with minutes, github comments… Also I’d like to thank all the people who made very nice presentations and were very engaged in the group, but I wouldn’t dare to start naming all of then, to avoid forgetting someone.

The new Admin of the ROS Martime Working Group will be @mabelzhang. Thank you for stepping up to take the role! We indeed have a lot of people that would like to contribute and a lot of tools that could be developed and better advertised for the community to use. I hope you two can lead the way for enabling all of this to happen. Although, I’d like to remember that this is an group effort. We need more people being active and taking reposabilities for minutes, meetings organization, coding… Otherwise will be too much for the admins to handle and we might ended up in having the group in stand-by again.

Finally, I just want to thank everybody that contributed for the working group in any way. From liking a post, to participating in the discussions, commenting in PRs… I hope that you keep even more engaged with the return of meetings and rebirth of the working group.

See you!


Thanks, @Matosinho for throwing this working group together. I will be putting the announcement out for the next iteration shortly. We are targeting the week of September 18th. for our next meeting and our goal will be to organize a maritime BoF for ROSCON.