Hi all, its your Friendly Neighborhood Navigator here!
I wanted to announce a great update to help support users starting with Nav2, ROS 2 in Jazzy, Rolling, and all future distributions moving forward. In a community contribution and help, @amronos worked on migrating Nav2’s First-Time Getting Started Guide to support instructions for setting up a robot in modern Gazebo. You can check out the tutorial below if you’re interested!
Previously, we supported Gazebo Classic and you’ll see two ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ routes for Gazebo and Gazebo Classic. We’ll keep supporting the Gazebo Classic guides as long as there is an active ROS 2 distribution which has it as its ‘default’ simulator.
If you’re not familiar with these guides, it walks you through things like:
- Setting up TF Transformations
- Setting up a URDF
- Setting up an SDF
- Setting up Simulation Odometry
- Fusion Odometry with Robot Localization
- Setting up Simulation Sensors
- Mapping and Localization
- Setting up a Robot’s Footprint or Radius
- Setting up Navigation Plugins
And we’re happy to add more if there are others of interest!
Lets give @amronos a round of applause
Documentation is one of the things that is most valuable in the community but one of the hardest things to receive community contributions for. I’m very thankful of the help!
Have a few moments and open to working on documentation to pay it forward? Comment below and I can give you a number of different pages we’d love to offer that would make good projects for getting started with Nav2, working with certain systems, or just making a lasting impact in the community
Happy guiding,
Steve Macenski